Chapter 7

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For some reason, I flinched. There was something about her...

Rea's POV

After the party, John took me back upstairs. He threw me into his room and I fell. Curse these damn heels! I looked up just in time to see his hand shoot out and grab me by my hair. He pulled me up and shoved me against the wall. "You didn't do too badly tonight kitten." He purred into my ear. "For that reason, I'll let you off with just this." He threw me onto the bed and grabbed my right hand. He produced a knife and before my brain had time to register what was going on, he slashed my palm. I yelped in pain and welcomed the darkness taking over.

I awoke to se John still asleep next to me. I gingerly flexed my right hand, satisfied when the wound didn't reopen and start bleeding. It was still very sore though. I peeked at the clock. 6am. I was starving. When was the last time I'd eaten? My tummy grumbled as if to confirm my thought. I slowly crept out of bed an tiptoed towards the door. I reached for the door handle but hesitated. If he woke up with me gone, he'd kill me. My tummy growled again and my feet propelled me out the room before I had chance to think.

I heard footsteps approaching me and looked up without thinking. I saw a man walking towards me, the man from last night. When it hit me, I abruptly looked down again. It was John's son. Jake? Jack? I decided it was best to keep waking when he spoke to me. I stopped. "Hello. I don't believe we got the chance to meet properly last night." His voice was deep and husky. It sent shivers down my spine. Shivers of pleasure? Rosie started to fidget but I had no idea why. "I'm Rea, sir." I replied quietly. "Please. You don't need to address me as sir. Just Jake will do perfectly." I nodded and saw his hand extended towards me. Without thinking, I took it with my right one and shook it, still looking at the floor. I let tingles shooting through my hand and up my arm. What? My confusion was suddenly replaced by pain and I drew my hand back, hissing in pain before I could stop myself.

"Show me your hand." He ordered. My eyes widened in horror. "N-no. It's n-nothing." I stammered, obviously lying. Stupid! "Rea..." He cautioned and I sighed in resignation. I lifted my arm and he gently took it. He flipped it over to see the deep, raw gash. I heard his sharp intake of breath. "Who did this to you?" He asked harshly and I flinched, drawing away from him. He looked at me puzzled before it clicked. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you but please tell me. Who did this?"I paused. " I think you already know." I answered quietly, a tear running down my cheek. I looked up from under my lashes, avoiding eye contact.

His eyes flashed from black back to their normal beautiful blue. I saw him raise his hand and I instinctively drew back, flinching. I saw hurt flood through his eyes and he dropped his hand. He waited before raising it again. He stroked my cheek gently, tenderly, wiping my tears away. I winced at the touch before realising he wasn't hurting me, or trying to. "I would never hurt a girl. I'll never hurt you." He whispered sadly. Tingles shot through my cheek in the wake of his hand.

Unable to resist it any longer I looked up and made eye contact. I gasped as I looked into his beautiful, blue eyes. The world around me fell away as I gasped. Rosie howled in joy, screaming out one word. He opened his mouth and spoke the one word whirling around my head over and over.



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