Chapter 11

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I would ask her today. I need to know.

Jake's POV

"Rea... We need... We need to talk." She looked at me, frozen. I saw several emotions flicker through her eyes-confusion, pain, fear, regret, anger, sadness and hesitation-before she masked it and looked at me blankly. It hurt me to see she was hiding her emotions but I know she is finding it hard. She sighed and took my hand, leading me to our bedroom. Shutting the door, she let go of me and went to sit on the bed. She shuffled around for a couple of minutes, adjusting the pillows to support her and make her comfy as I stood there. Finally, she turned to me, offering me a small smile and gesturing for me to sit next to her. I sat down and pulled her into my arms. We sat, just cuddling in silence for about 5 minutes. I am so happy she is safe and in my arms again. I dropped a kiss onto her head, blocked my mind link and asked her to start. "What happened?"

"Well, after that fight, I think I must have passed out and awoke in a dark room with my ankle chained to the bed... John came in to tell me we had become rouges. I hate rouges because I-I had a b-best friend who was was killed during a rouge attack whilst protecting a pup." I soothed her gently as she started to cry. Stroking her already tear stained cheeks, I waited for her to continue. "John beat me and r-raped me. It was awful being with him, helpless. He starved me, cut me, burnt me, beat me. It was awful. And-" she suddenly stopped and I sensed she was debating with herself. There was something she was hiding. Just as I was about to prompt her, she was consumed with tears and her body shook violently. Although our mate bond was still weak because we hadn't marked each other or mated, I could feel her heart break and sorrow. Letting her cry on my shoulder, I waited for her to calm down a little. "Rea. What were you going to tell me? What are you hiding?" I asked gently as I felt her stiffen. "I-well-I-I h-had a-a-" she paused. "I-I had a m-m-miscarriage." She whispered. "What?" Screamed my wolf but I pushed him to the back of my mind. I didn't want my mate to feel bad or scared. "I-he-I found out I was pregnant and told him. He was furious but didn't make me abort the baby... One month later, I-I miscarried because he-he didn't stop r-r-raping me and he was t-too rough..." She broke down in tears again and the salty smell was intoxicating. "He blamed it on me saying I had purposely lost the baby but I didn't! I already loved that child. The baby was an innocent. He/she deserved better." She continued through her tears. Even through her sorrow, I was amazed how much passion she still held.

Rea's POV

There, I'd told him. He didn't seen cross but jut comforted me in a way only a mate could.

*3 months later, full moon*

"C'mon. Lets go for a run! The full moon is pulling me!" Rosie pleaded. I bit my lip. "But if I shift, the full moon will give you full control and-" before I could finish, I was shifting. I looked up to see the full moon had risen meaning Rosie would have had no control. She took off into the woods speedily, overjoyed with the wind blowing against her fur.

We reached a clearing in the wood and I turned as I heard a twig snap. I snarled at the trees. Then, out stepped a man in 20's. I sniffed the air. It was dangerous for a human to be around during full moon as the full moon caused wolves to have uncontrollable bloodlust/the need to hunt and kill. Only then did I realise, I didn't have this urge. Weird? I should have. Taking in his scent, I stumbled back slightly. Not human. Werewolf. He was a werewolf! How can he still be in his human form during full moon? Wolves have no self control during full moon. "I am Abe. I come in peace Rea. I have come to tell you to research the prophecy. I cannot stay longer but research the prophecy and I will come again soon..." With that, he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. He knew my name! And what prophecy? Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the wolf approaching me. I spun around to be met with a massive wolf. He was close! How had I not noticed? His eyes were... Wait. His eyes were red!? No wolf has red eyes? I looked at his fur to see it was red, a reddish brown. This is no ordinary wolf. I can feel something dark within him. I position myself in a defensive stance, preparing for his attack. Before he can though, a howl is herd through the night... The howl of my mate. He is searching for me. The red wolf runs off and Rosie urges me to find our mate. Reluctantly, I leave the clearing and head towards the howl. Should I tell Jake? I have a lot of research to do: red wolves, Abe, the prophecy. Why? What has happened? Or is happening? Or is going to happen?

It's been two days since I encountered Abe and the red wolf. I've just had breakfast and need to get something from our room. I open the door to see a not on the bed. It's folded over and has Rea scrawled on it... In blood? I gasp and half sit, half fall onto the bed with the note in my hands. Opening it, it read

Dearest Rea, my beloved daughter (ha.ha)

This is just a 'friendly' note to say not to get too comfortable deary. You will not be safe for long. And, I'm missing you. I'm sure your missing your old man too! I can't wait until I can see you again and we can have a good old 'catch up'. I have missed our special evenings and weekends and it seems I can do so much more now you've been 'spoiled' by John. Oh yes, a word of warning to your mate: watch your back.

No love,


I sat on the bed, frozen. I heard Jake come in and was engulfed by his scent but didn't take my eyes off the note. "There you are Rea! Why have you been hiding fr-" he stopped. "What's wrong. You look so pale." He came over and gently took the note out my hands before I could register what was happening. Quickly, he read through it and looked at me. "I think you're not telling me something." I flinched and. sighed. "I'm not telling you a couple of things. I'll start with my family..."

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