Chapter 21

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"I'm scared." She whispered. "What if you and dad die? This war sounds awful. I can't loose my second mummy and daddy!" She cried and I rocked her back and forth gently. "Hush hush. We'll be fine." I assured her with more conviction than I truly felt. "Yeah, you can't get rid of us that easily!" Chirped in Jake and we all laughed.

Rea's POV

"I have one more power to teach you. I know you're amazing at mastering these skills and you're perfectly able and in control of the powers you've already learnt." Abe said. Another power? "Yup! We are too awesome!" Put in Rosie and I laughed. "You have the ability to heal people. However, it can take around 3-5 minutes so you would need to be in a safe environment before you start healing." I nodded and Abe directed us to the hospital.

"Remember your breathing and imagine the wounds closed." I nodded. I was standing next a young man who'd had an encounter with a rouge. He'd ended up with several claw marks and was loosing a lot of blood. I place my hand on him and directed my energy into healing him. I looked to see the wound slowly but steadily start to close before my very eyes and smiled. I can do it. "Remember, you can heal any injuries like this, whenever. However, if someone is prisoned with wolfsbane or silver, it will take a lot longer to heal and you would need to start healing them within 5 minutes of the poison entering their system." Warned Abe.

I was sitting on the sofa with Mia asleep in my lap. Jake walked in and smiled. "I'll take her to her room." He said quietly, gently taking her in his arms. Once Mia was safely on her bed, still asleep, Jake and I went to our room. "Rea. I love you." He murmured, burying his face in my neck. I shivered as his breath tickle my bare skin and Rosie howled with joy. Jake leaned back and bought his lips to mine. I closed my eyes and felt sparks erupt as our lips touched. It was amazing. He started kissing my jawline and down my neck. He tilted my head to the side and sucked on the spot where he would mark me. I moaned as he teased it. He'd found my weak spot. "Let me mark you." He whispered. I gulped, hesitating. "Yes!" Screamed Rosie. She grew increasingly frustrated when I didn't agree straight away. "Let me take control!" She ordered bossily but I refused. "No. If he's going to mark us, I will be in charge." I informed her. I heard her huff before I cut our mind link. "Please." He murmured seductively into my ear. "Yes... Mark me." Jake kissed me on the lips, lovingly. "Are you sure?" I nodded, looking him in the eye. "Yes..." I whispered.

He gently tilted my head to the side and kissed the spot where my mark would be. I felt his canines extract and he bit me. I whimpered as pain shot down my body until it turned to pleasure and I moaned. He licked the spot so the mark would heal and headed to the bed where we curled up and fell asleep.

I awoke feeling the need to wee. I tried to move but a weight was preventing me. I looked down to see an arm slung around my waist. I followed the arm to see it attached to Jake. He looked so peaceful asleep. I poked him in the cheek and he slowly opened his eyes. "Get off me. I'm not your teddy bear." I scolded him, trying to keep serious. He looked at me and smiled mischievously. "But that is exactly what you are, my dear mate!" He proclaimed. I placed my hand on my heart. "I am wounded!" He just laughed and pushed him. He wasn't expecting it so fell right off the bed! Giggling, I got up and made a dash for the bathroom as he lay on the floor grumbling. "Ow! My head!" He groaned. "Sorry. Need the bathroom!" I called before dashing out the room, only just catching the last of his moaning. "I'll get you back." I just laughed again and thought nothing of it.

I looked in the mirror in the bathroom to examine my mark. I gasped. It was beautiful. There were 2 wolves facing each other, howling at the moon, within a circle of flames. I gingerly touched the mark and felt a burning, yet pleasurable, sensation shoot through my body. "It's beautiful." Shocked, I turned to see Jake standing next to me, holding a hair pin, just out of line to be seen in the mirror. "Jake! Did you, did you pick the lock?" He shrugged nonchalantly before smiling sheepishly. "Sorry?" I just shook my head and returned my attention back to the mirror. I felt arms slip around my waist, tingles erupting all over me. "It is beautiful though."

"You ready?" I nodded. Today was full moon and we were holding a big party. I took one last glance in the mirror at my fitted, mid thigh length red dress and smiled. My hair fell loose, curled and I wore dark red heels. Linking Layla's and Ali's arms in mine, we made our way down to the party. Mia was already waiting with Jake and she looked adorable. She was wearing a pink dress and little pink shoes. Her hair was hanging loose, with a pink bow in it. "Mummy!" She called running to me, leaping into the air. I relieved my arms from Layla and Ali just in time to catch her mid air. I tutted at her. "Mia. When will you learn not to be so trusting? I almost didn't catch you." I sighed. "Sorry Mummy." She replied, giving me the puppy eyes. I shook my head. She was impossible!


Sorry it's so short. I think the battle will be soon!
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