Chapter 16

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Once back on Silver Lake territory, I followed Jake to his office. We had to work out a training routine, and fast, we barely have anytime and this war depends on the balance and existence of supernaturals.

Rea's POV

I faced Jake in human from and took a defensive stance. Silver Lake and Moon River pack surrounded us, watching our techniques. The Moon River Pack had arrived the day before yesterday. Yesterday, we had relaxed and took the time for people to get to know each other. A few wolves even found their mates. We circled each other, looking for any signs of weakness. I made the first move. I launched at him and pinned him down, throwing punches which he seemed to be blocking easily. I growled, frustrated as he just blocked my punches wearing a smirk. Suddenly, I was flipped over and he leaned in close. "Not too bad little mate. Give up?" I looked at him as the idea came into my head. Smirking, I shook my head. "No, are you?" I asked bringing my knee up to his stomach he flew backwards, only just catching himself before he fell. He looked stunned and I leapt towards him, taking advantage of his shock. I tackled him to the ground and kept him pinned there, with great difficulty. Damn! He was strong! After 10 long seconds, Luke stepped forward. "Congratulations Luna! You have won." I nodded and smiled, getting up, letting Jake up. "Well done little mate. You fight well. But, we all know I let you win. Obviously." I shook my head in disbelief at his cockiness before laughing. We quickly ordered all the members of Moon River Pack planning to fight to form an orderly que. Each was to take it in turns to fight either Luke, Sam, Nate, Layla, Daniel, Ali, or myself. Alpha Jake and Alpha Jones wouldn't be fighting in today's training because of their alpha advantages in strength and speed. Jake cleared his throat. "When you come up, please state your name. We will write down the areas we feel you need to improve. Whoever managers hold their opponent down for 10 seconds wins. Please, though, no serious injuries. We have a war looming and cannot afford to have any fighters injured and out if action. You have to option to surrender/retire during a fight. Both of you." He looked at me when he said the last part knowing how stubborn I am. Rosie and I are very stubborn because Rosie holds her stupid pride and dignity very dearly.

The first person who stepped forward was a girl who looked to be in her late teens. "Lola Green." She told me before we started circling each other and I waited for her to make her first move. She leapt at me and I dodged just in time. She turned and leapt at me again, tackling me to the ground. I spun us around with ease, pinning her to the floor for 10 seconds. Jake nodded to me and I got up, brushing myself down. Turning to Jake, I told him my assessment of her. "She's fast which is good but she lacks stamina and strength. That means she needs to strike fast using her speed as an asset but a little stamina and strength training could make her into a brilliant fighter." He nodded, jotting down what I'd said on his notes board next to her name. "Next." He called. This is how it went on for the day. Luke, Sam, Nate, Layla, Daniel, Ali, and I took it turns and Jake noted down each persons strength and weaknesses. The main weaknesses that kept popping up were stamina and accuracy. After an exhausting day of training, I grabbed something to eat and went to find Jake. He was flopped onto our bed and he looked exhausted. Guilt suddenly washed over me when I remembered he was doing this all for me. I looked down, ashamed and he frowned. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I'm sorry Jake. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be so exhausted." He looked at me like I'd grown two heads. "Don't be silly! You're my mate. I love you. I'd do anything for you. Come here." He opened his arms towards be and I gladly rushed into them. I fell onto the bed, taking him with me. We curled up together and fell asleep, wrapped in each others arms.

The next day, we focused on people's weak points. People who had trouble with stamina had to run for 2 whole hours, in human form, led by Luke with Sam bringing up the rear. Those two have amazing stamina. Those who had trouble with accuracy were given arrows and daggers to throw at a target with Layla and Daniel supervising. They both had amazing aim. Ali and Nate supervised training those who had trouble with speed and reactions whilst Jake and I were in charge of supervising duels. People were paired up and fighting with no weapons, just their bare hands. Jake and I had decided to spend the first 5 months training in human form as that is the weaker form for every werewolf, leaving us 3-5 months to train in wolf form. We weren't so worried about fighting wolf form because wolves have a natural, innate instinct of survival and fighting but we weren't taking any risks.

After a gruelling 4 hours, Jake and I arranged for everyone to eat. After lunch, everyone went back to training while Jake and I went to meet Abe for my first session. I could feel the knot in my stomach and I could feel the pressure. What if I couldn't do it? "Course you will." Assured Rosie. "I sure hope your right." We entered Jakes office to find Abe already seated and waiting for us. "Hi guys. How you feeling? Nervous?" I nodded and gulped. "You can do this darling. You're the strongest person I know." My mate whispered in my ear and I smile at him. "Right! Lets get started!" Abe announced, a sparkle in his eyes. He was clearly very excited.

"It's all about your breathing. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Ok. Have a try now. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Got it?" I nodded. We'd been with him for 3 hours now and I was trying to light a candle. I focused on my breathing and waited for his next instructions. "Now, picture a clear image in your head of what you want to happen. So imagine the candle is lit. Imagine a clear, realistic image and it will happen." Continuing with my breathing, I summoned a clear, accurate picture of the candle in front of me, lit. To my surprise, and joy, the candle in front of me suddenly lit. "Wow! Oh my god! That's so cool! Well done." Gushed Jake, rushing to my side to hug me. I smiled and laughed at him. Abe looked at me and smiled tightly. "It's a good start but we still have a long way to go. Keep practising and I will see you tomorrow." Then he disappeared and my mood darkened slightly. What was I thinking? Lighting a candle will so help me win the war against Kieran. Not. I sighed and made my way into the living room with Jake by my side. I was exhausted.

"You can what?" Squealed a very excited Nate. "Light a candle without going near it or having matches." I repeated for the third time to my poor friend who was having trouble processing it. Bless him. "Show me!?" He begged and I sighed. "Find me a candle." He squealed again in delight and I chuckled. He is worse than a kid! He returned with a candle and placed it on the table in front of me. I concentrated on my breathing and conjured a clear image and the candle lit, first time. I beamed, thrilled with my success as Nate let out a a piercing scream. "Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" My smile faltered and I covered my ears with my hands. Luke, Sam, Ali, Layla, Daniel and Jake rushed in, shock plastered all over their faces. "Why is it? What's wrong?" Asked Jake worriedly. By now, Nate had stopped screaming and was looking between me and the candle with disbelief. "She just-did you know? I mean, she just lit that candle!" He stuttered. I stared at him in disbelief before I burst out laughing, the others in the room following suit. I clutched my stomach as my body heaved from laughter. I was laughing so much I didn't even notice when I fell off the sofa, simply resulting in me laughing harder. '"Nate! You're so funny!" I laughed out and he scowled. "Can you do it again?" He asked hopefully. "Yeah! Show us!" Chimed in Layla. I rolled my eyes and groaned. "Only if you, Nate, promise not to scream again." He nodded and I gestured for the others to come sit. I blew the candle out and concentrated again, and it worked first time. I smiled as they all looked at me with disbelief. Suddenly, a thought occurred to me. Could I put it out? I looked at it and pictured it without and flame and the flame went out.

"Hey! You didn't know how to do that earlier! Did you you just put it out?" Asked Jake and I nodded. "Yeah." I said running my hands through my hair and surprise. "I didn't know I could do that." I turned to Nate and laughed as his face continued to stay so pale. It looked so pale, like the wax from the candle and without thinking, my eyes flicked to his ginger hair. I laughed as I pictured him a lit candle: his pale skin the wax and bright orange hair the flame. Suddenly, his hair went up in flames and he screamed. This time, however, so did I. I quickly rushed to the kitchen and threw a bucket if cold water over his head, extinguishing the flames. I looked at him, mortified. "I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed. He raised an eyebrow at me as did the others. "What do you mean your sorry? You didn't cause his hair to catch fire did you?" Asked Sam and I looked down. "Well, ummm, the thing is, I thought it was really funny how pale his skin looked from shock. His skin colour kind of resembled the wax from the candle and then I accidentally looked at his hair that looked like a flame. Then, he suddenly kind of went up in flames... I'm so sorry Nate. Please forgive me. I didn't mean to!" He looked at me shocked before smiling. 'It's okay. I forgive you." He laughed. "Why always me!" He grumbled. I laughed along with him but deep down, I was terrified. I didn't realise what my powers were capable of and I just found out how extreme they were. Somehow, I knew it was only going to get worse. I knew I had other, stronger powers but I didn't know what... Yet.

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