Chapter 14 : It's time for some fun today. (:

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Jeslin's POV

"JESLIN! How are you?!" Liam yelled when he opened the door. It was now 3 weeks after what Matty did and i didn't talk to him anymore. He can go fuck himself i guess. I have to admit that i still love the kid. "I'm fine thank you!" I yelled and stepped inside the house. The lads were sitting there with their girlfriends. I didn't bring the girls cause.. I wanted to spend time with Liam. Alone.. :3

I don't know, every time i talk to him, i feel butterflies. Everything is just so perfect with him. Today we were going on our first date. We were going to an amusement park, and Eleanor and Louis joined us too. Harry didn't join, cause he wasn't really dating someone. And Zayn and Perrie didn't come either. Perrie was on tour with her girlband.  By the way, Vanessa was really excited to meet Perrie. She literally cried. And she's so lucky cause she'll actually be joining them on stage at their last show. She's so happy about that. "Have fun!" Zayn yelled. I ran my hand through his hair. It was all messed up which he didn't liked at all lol. "HEY I'VE SPEND HOURS ON MY HAIR TODAY!" He fake cried and i burst out of laughter. After that we left the house. It was about a 1 and a half hour drive, but it was fun. It was so busy, so many people were there. Okay it was a beautiful day so i get it. 

This day was so much fun, we went in every rollercoaster. It was awesome. Even though the time flew by. It felt like we've only been there for 1 hours, while it were actually 5.  

"Are you having fun?" I heard Liam's voice behind me, while we were walking back to the car. My feet were killing me. "Yes, the only thing is; i think my feet are bleeding." I burst out of laughter. He suddenly picked me up in bride state. "LIAM! You don't have to carry me to the car." "Yeah i do. Your feet hurt. And you're as light  as a feather so i can easily carry you." He smiled and i kissed his cheek.

- Flashback -

I opened the door. "Hi baby." Matty said as i opened the door. I kissed his lips. "Hi." I walked back to my desk, where i've been making my homework. "So watcha doing?" He asked an sat down on my bed. "I'm making my homework." I laughed and walked up to him. I kissed him passionate. He suddenly pulled back. "Have you been eating chocolat?" He looked at me like i was a fucking weirdo. "Eh.. Yeah.. Is that bad or something?" I asked and looked at him. He pulled up my shirt. "Eh yeah kinda. You're getting fatter. I don't want a fat girlfriend." He stood up, and walked away. Am i really fat? Maybe he's right. Maybe i should stop eating. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. I walked over to the toilet and stuck my finger in my throat. After i was done i sat down on the ground. "I'm not gonna eat anymore. Matty doesn't want to have a fat girlfriend." I whispered to myself.

- End Of Flashback-  

That was probably the stupidest thin i have ever done for Matty. I just stopped eating. And of course the girls noticed. I lost a lot of weight and i was as pale as fuck. But i stopped. I started eating again. Matty can go fuck himself. I'm not fat at all. I think. 

The car drive home was cozy, just talking about the day.

"You wanna come in?" Liam asked and i shook my head no. "I think i'm just gonna go home. I'm tired. I had LOADS of fun though." I kissed his cheek. We were stading on his porch. He grabbed both of my hands. "Nice seeing you today. Even though i see you aalmost everyday." He smiled and i burst out of laughter. He kissed my hand. OH MY GOD LIAM FUCKING PAYNE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?!  Then he grabbed my chin carefully and kissed my lips. After a few seconds he pulled back. "You sure you don't wanna come in?" He said moving his eyebrow up and down. I hit his arm playfully. "No. Bye bye." I kissed his lips quickly and ran off not wanting him to stop me. He burst out of laughter. I walked back home, and when i came there the girls were staring at me. "HOW WAS IT?!" They yelled and jumped up. I told them everything. 

After about 20 minutes we decided to go outside. To the park. May brought her guitar so we started singing. We sang We Are Young by Fun. But we did the Little Mix cover. ( You should search it on youtube. AMAZING. )

I sang Jade's solo. Emmalie did Leigh Anne's solo. Vanessa did Perrie's solo and June did Jesy's. People were looking at us and recording the whole thing. It was really fun to do and afterwards people applauded. That gave me a good feeling. After 2 hours of chillin in the park we went home again. It was now 10 o clock. I had a great fuckin day today. (:

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