Chapter 13 : I'm the bad guy? Don't think so..

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Matty's POV

I woke up in a ver cold little room called a cell. I can't even believe i'm in here.. Like what have i done?

I'm not the one that punched a guy in the face.. It was that Zayn kid. I was the one that hit his girlfriend though.. Why did i even do that? I'm such a stupid ass motherfucker. Oh god.. I think i'm gonna vomit. I wanted to walk to the little disgusting toilet, but i was to late. There was now puke everywhere, which made me more sick. I sat down on the little bed again. I don't deserve this shit man.. C'mon

The door opened and i stood up. 3 Officers walked in. One of them had a teaser. What the fuck are they thinking? That i'm gonna attack them to the ground and run off? Yeah we all know what you're actually capable of Matty. OH SHUT UP VOICE IN MY HEAD.  

"Mister Butler can we talk to you for one second?" I turned around. Fuck off. "No." I replied. "Okay let me say it like this; These two officers are gonna captivate you. I would participate if i were you." "Why do you guys need those stupid handcuffs? It's not like i'm gonna hit you guys?" I laughed sarcastically. They facepalmed themselves. "Do you know why you're here?" "No?" "You have been arrested for using physcal voilence. On your girlfriend." I looked at them and sighed. "Ex.. Ex girlfriend sir." I turned around ad the officers captivated me. They brought me to a little room. You know, those little rooms in films? These creepy interrogation rooms. They put me down on a chair, and took off the handcuffs. There was one man. Not wearing a uniform. He had a gun though. He looked at me. Creepy ass motherfucker. I raised my eyebrow while looking into his eyes. "So... I wanted to ask yo a couple questions sir." I rolled my eyes and the man sat down. "Tell us what happened on that roof top.." " Okay so, i followed my girlfriend upstairs to the rooftop. She was going to meet some guy up there. She told me it was her friend but i knew she fucked him. So i lost it and hit her." I smiled sarcastically. He sniffed. "You think that's funny kid? Your girlfriend ended up in the hospital!" I heard the anger in his voice. "SIR SHE CHEATED ON ME! I LOST IT! IT'S HER FAULT! I'M HERE FOR NO REASON!" I yelled and kicked the chair. That was now lying on the ground. He stood up and looked at me. "Sit down you prick." I grabbed my chair and sat down again. "Look kiddo, I have a wife myself. I can't even think about laying my hand on her that way." He came really close with his face to my ear. " IF YOU WANNA HIT SOMEONE HIT A FUCKING PUNCH BAG!! FIND SOMEONE OF YOUR OWN STRENGHT!"  He yelled. I think i'm deaf now. He gestured something with his hand and 2 second later 2 officers came in. They pulled me off the chair and brought me to my cell again. I sat down on the bed. What am i gonna do? I'll just have to sit here and wait. Wait till someone rescues me. I think i'm gonna have a panick attack. Yes i'm having a panick attack right now. I can't breath. "FUCKERS LET ME OUT!" I yelled and hit the door. "LET ME OUT NOW! OR I'LL BREAK THIS DOOR DOWN!!" I yelled even though i know i can't do that. I banged my head against the wall. I leaned against it and sat down on the ground, resting my head in my hands. Why did i do this? Why am i such a dickhead? I have to apologise to Jess. Even though i don't know how. But she loves me so she'll fogive me. I stood up and lied down on my little bed again. It's to early so i can't sleep. I just lied there thinking about things. Thinking about Jeslin. That Liam kid was right, how could i do that to such a beautiful girl. Gosh i'm so stupid. 


4 days later.

Today was the day i finally got to know what's gonna happen to me. I don't think i'm gonna end up in jail. 2 officers brought me to the courtroom. As i walked in i felt a few eyes glaring over me. I looked around and saw the girls sitting there. I also saw Jeslin, with a lawyer. I sat down next to my lawyer and kept staring at Jeslin. She looked confident but also scared. The judge started talking. I didn't even listen to the bullshit he had to say. All i want is to go home already. ".. Is that true Mister Butler?" He broke me out of my thoughts. "Wha..?" I whispered to my lawyer. " He told us what happened and asked you if it was true?" He whipered back and i nodded. "Yup. That's true." I heard someone laughing sarcastically. It was Jeslin. "Can you tell that bitch to shut up? She's the one that put me here!" I yelled and stood up. "Sir sit down!" The judge yelled and i obeyed. She continued talking. THIS WHOLE FUCKING THING TOOK 3 HOURS. FUCK. Well, my punishment isn't really bad. Just Community Service and i'm grounded FOR 6 MONTHS. I have to wear that stupid electric anklet. I can't go anywhere. I have to stay in my house. Ugh... That's so stupid. But hey! I'm able to go home. AAAAAAAAAAND i can invite friends over. Which is okay by me. I knew Jeslin didn't like it. But who gives a shit? I don't. Only that Liam kid. And that ugly ass Zayn. I think i'm gonna kill him one day. He shouldn't have attacked me. (: 

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