Chapter 4 : WHY ARE YOU WITH ME?!

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Jeslin's POV

* End of the week *

It was finally Friday. I haven't seen Matty in a while but I've talked with Liam a LOT. He was just so sweet. He's probably one of m best friends even though I've never seen him in real life. I walked outside, I wanted to go to starbucks. Suddenly. A tall someone bumped into me. I turned around. " Liam?" I wasn't sure if it was Liam. " Jeslin? Hi!" He said and gave me a hug. Okay yes this was Liam. " How are you?" I asked. Fuck I forgot about my face. I covered my black eye with my hair, just to be sure he didn't see it. Even though it was almost gone. " Yeah I'm good. How about you?" " Yeah I'm fine, I was just going to get coffee." I said and he smiled. " Can I join you? I was just doing the same thing." He said and I smiled. " Yea sure." We started walking. He talked a lot. I just listened. " So that boyfriend of yours.. What's his name?" " His name is Matty and he eh.." I wanted to tell him more about Matty but I couldn't think of anything nice. Only the bad things about him. " Matty. Hmm. He seems a bit aggressive.." He said. " Wha..? Why would you say that?!" I got a bit angry. I don't even wanna stand up for that kid. " I'm sorry I eh.." I whispered and looked at the ground. The rest of the walk to starbucks was silence. Really awkward. There was a free table inside. We sat down and he looked at me. " Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." He said and I looked up. " No you are kinde right. He's a little aggressive, but he can be nice too." I smiled even though I was lying. He wasn't sweet at all. Only  when people were around. " So how is everything going with school?" He finally changed the subject. " Yea it's fine. How's everything going in the studio? Do you guys already have new songs or?" " No not really, Niall has to write but half of the time he eats so yeah.." I burst out of laughter. I didn't really know much about One Direction. Well.. I'm talking to 1/5 of them now but I don't see Liam like that. Just as a friend. We talked for hours and then he brought me home. " I had fun. We should do that more sometime." He said and I nodded. Then I gave him a hug and went inside. I walked into my room and the girls were there. I walked in with a huge smile on my face. " What have you been doing?" May asked. " I eh.. I went to get coffee." I sat down on the ground but didn't llok them in the eyes. " Who did you meet there?" Vanessa laughed. " I kinda bumped into.. Liam." I said and looked at them. Their jaws were dropped to the ground. " You've been hanging out with Liam? So how is he? I mean is he nice?." June asked. I nodded and she jumped around. " I wanna meet that other boy, what's his name..? That kid from Pakistan.. Zayn. Yeah Zayn is his name." Emmalie said and I laughed. " You'll meet them someday." I smiled. I grabbed my phone and had a new message from Matty. He send me a pic of me and Liam walking. He also wrote : ' I'm not done with you yet!' . My smile disappeared immediately. The girls looked at me. " What's wrong hunny?" Vannessa asked and I showed her the text. " What does he mean?" " He's trying to say that he's gonna beat the shit out of me.." " NO THAT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN! We'll stay with you all day, to protect you." May screamed and I laughed. As if she's able to protect me from a sick bastard. Lol. " I love you." I said and hugged them. We just hung out in the room talking about boys. Emmalie couldn't stop talking about how gorgeous Zayn was. I rather choose Liam. Sorrynotsorry. Okay what am I saying? I have a boyfriend for god sake. I decided to text him. ' Sorry babe, he bumped into me and apologised by buying me a coffee. Please don't think I cheat on you cause I would never do that!' After that, 5 minutes later, he called me.

J- Hello..?


J- I didn't do anything wrong Matty.


J- he bumped into me on the street, then he bought me a coffee to say sorry.

I was the only one who stayed calm.



I hung up the phone. I looked at the girls. They looked at me in fear. I cried my eyes out and they attacked me in a hug. " I shouldn't have said that. It's all my fault." I yelled. May hit my arm. " THAT'S NOT TRUE! It's not your fault. Babe you have to do something about this. Leave him!" She was right. " I can't leave him! I love him." " You really think you love him? You're gonna believe it eventually if you tell yourself you love him every second. You need to stop that babe. He's not loveable at all!" Vanessa yelled. " I.. I just can't leave him.." I said and stood up. I walked away and locked myself up in the bathroom. I looked at myself. I am ugly. I am fucking ugly! He's right. I washed my face. I grabbed a razor blade from one of the girls and cut my arm with it. I don't know why I did that. I threw the razor blade away and grabbed a towel, hoping the bleeding would stop. I collapsed to the ground. Whenever I see blood I faint. " JESLIN OPEN THE DOOR!" I heard someone yell. I think it was June but I'm not sure. I crawled over to the door and opened it. June looked at me with her eyes wide open. She gasped when she saw my arm. " WE HAVE TO GO TO THE DOCTOR!" She yelled. "NO! Where not going to the doctor! It will heal itself." I said and lied down on my bed. My head hurt like hell. Then everything went black.


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