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Alora's POV

Wedding day

Today was the day. The day I got married to Jahseh. Everyone was running around mad while I sat staring at myself in the mirror.

" Alora you okay you've been staring at yourself for hours?" Ski asked pulling up a seat beside me. I looked at him and smiled. " it's just hard to believe that today is my wedding day. I'm so excited but yet so nervous I don't wanna mess this up " I said laughing as I teared up. " Sis you got this don't worry " Ski said kissing my head. My hair and makeup was already ready I just had to put my dress on. Alex came in rocking Jayleen back and fourth as she smiled at me.

" Hey cuz you ready to put on your dress we gotta get you to the church in 15 minutes tops " I nodded walking towards my dress unzipping the cover revealing the white lace. I ran my fingers over the front. I pulled it off the hanger slipping it on admiring myself in the mirror.

 I pulled it off the hanger slipping it on admiring myself in the mirror

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" I'm ready "

Jahseh's POV

I was breathing in and out as I paced the floors feeling the jitters start to occur. This is the most important day as they say. I'm so ready to call her my wife. But also so nervous I don't want nothing messing it up. Alora was due in the next few weeks so we are hoping that the baby comes sometime after the wedding and doesn't try to come early.

Everything was ready we just had to wait for Alora to arrive which should be any minute.

I stood at the top of the alter as I played with my hands as I felt my heart beating fast. My hands felt clammy and sweaty. The music started playing indicating she was about to walk out. Once I seen her I smiled so hard my cheeks were hurting.

Soon she was in front of me as I removed the veil from in front of her face.

Alora's POV

*** Skip to the after party***

Me and Jahseh and Alex and Ski was all on the dance floor dancing around acting like fools. Nothing could ruin the moment that's for sure.

" So this is it cuz the rest of your life " Alex said as we sat down taking a break from dancing.

I smiled and nodded as I watched Jahseh and Hayden dance along with Ski. " Who knew this was how things ended up? From all them years of hating Jahseh for abandoning me and Hayden to now having him as my husband and us having another baby on the way. It's crazy" I said shaking my head. I sighed rubbing my stomach feeling a few sharp pains here and there but nothing too serious.

" Alora did you just spill some water? " Alex asked looking down at my feet. I looked at her confused before feeling something drip down my leg. I then realized my water had broke as I was sitting down. " Shit Alex my water just broke!" I said fanning my hands around freaking out.

Alex yelled for Jahseh and Ski as Cleo rushed over to me leading me to the car as Jahseh and Ski and Alex all ran out hopping into the car as Cleo drove off. " Where's Hayden?" I ask hissing in pain as sweat dripped from my forehead. " She's with your mom babe don't worry focus on your breathing " Jahseh said grabbing my hand while he rubbed my stomach. I groaned in pain as another contraction came along.

We arrive at the hospital as tears are coming down my face from the pain and my mood swings going all over the place. They wheeled me into my room helping me onto the bed as I laid back closing my eyes. They gave me my IV and hooked me up as I felt another wave of pain hit me making me kinda yell out. Jahseh ran to my side kissing my forehead and rubbing my arm as he whispered encouraging words to me. " You got this cuz don't worry just keep breathing and stay calm and relax" Alex said coming to the other side of me. I nodded and started taking deep breathes closing my eyes.

***Skip The Birth***

" He's beautiful " Ski said tearing up making us laugh as he kept staring at Cayden rocking him back and forth. " Well least we got passed the I do"s before he decided to pop out " I said laughing as Jahseh smiled at me. " This was defiantly the best day " Jahseh said kissing me.

" Let me see him I wanna see my grandbaby" Cleo said busting in making me chuckle. Ski handed Cleo the baby as she teared up as well. " Omg he's so adorable I'm in love "

After my mom came and seen Cayden and everyone left me and Jahseh took a nap while they gave Cayden his first bath which he didn't really like at all.

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