Don't Ever Let Him Go

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            Kurt stared at the pills in disdain, wishing he didn’t have to take them. But he did, swallowing them without further complaint. Kurt handed the plastic cup back to the nurse just as someone entered the room.

            “Hey you,"Noah said, moving aside so the nurse could pass him.

            “Well hello there my ever handsome fiance,” Kurt replied cheekily.

            “I see someone is having a good day today,” Noah said, sitting down next to the bed.

            “I am actually,” Kurt said, “I feel good today, and I just really enjoy calling you that.” Noah laughed and kissed Kurt’s hand.

            “You still sure you want to wait a while before we get married?” Noah questioned.

            “Do you want to get married sooner?” Kurt asked.

            “I want whatever you want,” Noah replied.

            “Then yes,” Kurt told him, “You know I most definitely, 100% want to marry you, which is why I said yes when you asked a few weeks ago. But like I said then, I want to wait at least a year or two before we actually get married. Neither of us has ever lived or experienced life outside of Lima, and I want us to that before we get married. I mean, I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, especially since I’m stuck here, but I don’t want to rush something just because we’re worried about the future.”

            “Sounds good to me,” Noah said, “So long as I’m with you, I don’t mind what we do. So, you have chemo today?”

            “Nope, I had my last round of treatment yesterday morning. They’re going to be running some tests on me tomorrow morning to see what’s going on and then determine the next course of action.”

            “Are you gonna need more chemo?” Noah asked.

            “I don’t know yet, I’ll find out tomorrow,” Kurt said, “Today I want to do something fun, and I don’t mean the weight room.”

            “Alright,” Noah laughed, “What did you have in mind?”

            “Can we go to the beach?” Kurt asked excitedly.

            “The beach?” Noah said, “You’d have to get signed out for the day.”

            “My dad talked to the doctor last night and told him you were allowed to sign me out for today. He even said that he, Carole, Finn, and Rachel would come too. Please Noah,” Kurt begged, giving his boyfriend the eyes he knew he could not resist.

            “But… is it safe? I mean, isn’t there stuff there that could make you really sick?”

            “The doctor said I should be fine,” Kurt told him, “Come on Noah, please. Usually I wouldn’t be crazy about the beach, but, I want to spend my one free day outside with my family.”

            “Fine,” Noah sighed and Kurt squealed in excitement, “Get dressed while I sign you out for the day.”

            “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Kurt said excitedly as Noah walked out of the room. Ten minutes later, the par of them were in Noah’s truck, on their way to the nearest beach in Lima. It was pretty small, but usually un-crowded as most people went to the only other beach in Lima which was a lot bigger. Noah watched as Kurt slid out of the truck, planning to keep an eye on him the whole time they were out.

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