Need Some Help Please

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Hi everyone!

I am excited to say that I am rewriting this story and am so so happy with how it is turning out so far. The chapters I have worked on at this point are all longer, better, and just feel more true to my current writing style and ability.

I can't wait to finish it and upload all the chapters.

But I have one problem that I'm hoping to get all you lovely readers opinion on.

Should I keep this a Puck/Kurt fic?

I love this pairing and I love this story as it is, but as I'm rewriting, I am wondering if I should change it. My main reason for considering the change is probably pretty obvious.

I had always thought I could separate the fictional story I was telling here from the reality of the situation and to some degree I have been able to do that. However, when I finish rewriting this story, I will be working on "Moving On", the sequel which centers on Kurt and Puck raising a family together. This is where I am now struggling and I know it might be difficult for many readers to read this pairing or any stories featuring Puck now.

So here is where I need your help.

Should I change this from Puck/Kurt (I would most likely change it to Kurt/Blaine just cause that would make the most sense without me having to change too much timeline wise).

Or should I leave it Puck/Kurt and just continue my rewrites?

Or, should I leave this version of the story as is, complete my rewrites as a Kurt/Blaine fic, and then upload that version separately? If I did this, I would most likely change "Moving On" to be a Kurt/Blaine fic and leave this version of "Sick" as a stand alone.

I really appreciate any feedback you wonderful people can give me. I have so much more I want to update you all on, so you can expect a pretty hefty author's note at the end of the story when it is updated (it will include career changes (twice), school, and international moves!).

Thanks again everyone!

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