One Month Later: The Wedding

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            “Kurt, everything is perfect,” Burt told his son, smiling at him.

            “I’m glad you’re happy dad,” Kurt said, sitting across from his father. He watched his dad struggle with his tie for a moment before taking pity on him.

            “Here, stand up,” Kurt said as he reached forward to take the tie from his dad. Burt handed it over and stood up.

            “Thanks kiddo,” Burt said as Kurt worked, “It’s growing back nicely, huh?”

            “Yeah it is,” Kurt said as he ran his hang over the short brown hair that had started growing back on his head, “I’m still wearing a bandana for the wedding though," Burt laughed and pressed a kiss to Kurt’s forehead. At that moment, there was a knock on the door and it opened, revealing Puck and Finn outside.

            “Hey boy,” Burt said.

            “Hey Mr. H,” Puck said as they walked in and he immediately went to Kurt’s side.

            “Everyone’s seated and Rachel said we should start in a minute,” Finn told them.

            “Okay,” Kurt said, “Noah can you help me?” He held out the plain black bandana and Puck tied it around his head for him.

            “We’re gonna head out now,” Kurt told his father, “You ready?”

            “Completely,” Burt said smiling, “Thank you boys, for all of this.” He hugged each of them tightly and then smiled encouragingly as they walked out of the room. The wedding went smoothly and in no time at all they were all at the reception. Burt and Carole were both smiling widely as they dance, and Kurt was pleased to see everything going so well and that his dad was so happy.

            “Everything is amazing babe,” Noah said as he wrapped his arms around Kurt from behind.

            “They’re so happy,” Kurt noted as he leaned back in his boyfriend’s arms.

            “Yeah,” Noah said slowly, “So am I.” Kurt smiled and turned around, wrapping his arms around Noah’s shoulders. They danced slowly on the edge of the wedding, no one paying them any attention.

            “I love you so much,” Kurt whispered, and Noah pulled back to kiss him gently. He looked at his boyfriend happily for a moment before suddenly growing concerned.

            “Are you feeling okay? You’re really pale, like, more than usual, and your cheeks are all red.”

            “I’m fine, it’s just really hot in here,” Kurt said, and before Puck could press him any further, Finn had come over and said he had a surprise for Kurt. Just the Way You Are went off without a hitch and Puck was thrilled to see his boyfriend so happy. The song ended and Kurt went to talk with the girls. If he wasn’t feeling well he gave no indication, and Puck didn’t push him. He did, however, keep a close eye on him and was thankful when a slow song came on so he could steal away.

            “So, how are you feeling?” Noah asked.

            “Noah, I told you, I’m fine,” Kurt insisted, though he wasn’t so sure anymore.

            “Alright, alright,” Noah said, “I’m just – Kurt? What’s wrong?” Kurt had stopped moving and had a death grip on Puck.

            “I don’t, I –” Kurt collapsed forward suddenly, out cold.

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