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    It had been one week since Kurt’s first round of Chemo and he hated it. He’d had chemo everyday for five days now and Kurt was miserable. He felt sick all the time, he had an IV with more fluids in it because he couldn’t keep anything down, and he had just found out the worst news ever. He had to stay in the hospital over Christmas! Puck was just helping him get settled after another round of Chemo when his stomach suddenly churned.

    “Noah,” he said and Puck grabbed the dish from next to the bed. It only last a couple minutes but it was long enough that Kurt was breathing heavily when he leaned back tiredly. Noah went over to the sink and rinsed the dish when he heard a gasp from behind him. He dropped the dish and whipped around to look at Kurt.

    “What is it?” he asked worried as he crossed the room.

    “My– my hair,” Kurt said, his eyes wide as he stared at his hand that he had just run through his hair, only to pull away and have it fall out.

    “Oh Kurt,” Noah said gently and watched as Kurt ran his hand through his bangs again. Kurt stared in horror as more of his hair fell onto the blanket.

    “No, no, no, no. Please, not now, please,” Kurt begged and Noah wrapped his arms around the distraught boy, “Noah, please. Please, you have to help me. Noah, please make it stop!”

    “I’m sorry baby, I wish I could, I really do,” Noah said, his heart breaking as the smaller boy’s face crumpled and his body shook with sobs. Kurt loved his hair, Noah knew that, and now he was only sixteen and losing his hair. Combine that with being sick everyday, the meds he was taking, and having to stay in the hospital over Christmas, Noah knew his boyfriend wasn’t just crying for his hair.

    “I– I can’t– I can’t watch it fall out,” Kurt said as Noah rocked them back and forth.

    “What do you want to do?” Noah asked.

    “When my dad gets here, I want you to shave it off,” Kurt told him.

    “Kurt, are you sure?” Noah asked, not wanted Kurt to regret this, he knew it’d fall out eventually, but still.

    “I’m sure,” Kurt nodded, “Can you please call my dad and ask him to bring a razor and some bandanas?”

    “Yeah sure babe,” Noah said, laughing silently that his boyfriend would still think of something fashionable to wear once he shaved his head, “I’ll be right back okay?” Kurt nodded and Puck went outside to call Burt. When he explained what had happened Burt promised to head straight over with the required items. As Noah made his way back to Kurt’s room, he saw a nurse and told her what they were planning to do.

    “That’s fine,” she told him, “A lot of patients prefer to have it shaved rather than sit back and watch it fall out.” He nodded and headed to Kurt’s room. When he got there he saw Kurt was still crying.

    “When I’m stressed I fix my hair,” Kurt said, “Or lately I just mess it up more. I just did that and now…” he trailed off and when Noah walked over he saw there was a bald spot on the side of Kurt’s head.

    “Your dad’s on his way okay? It’ll be over soon baby I promise,” Noah said, wrapping his arms around Kurt’s shoulders. Kurt leaned his head on Noah’s shoulder and grabbed the front of the boy’s shirt tightly as if hoping it would keep him there forever. They stayed like that until Burt arrived, carrying a plastic bag.

    “Hey buddy,” he said gently when he walked in.

    “Hi daddy,” Kurt said, sitting up and Burt knew he was really upset if he was calling him that. Kurt sat there looking like was six rather than sixteen and for a moment Burt felt like he was chasing away the monsters under the bed rather than about to shave off his son’s hair. He hugged Kurt for a moment and sat down on the bed. Noah walked over to the bag and pulled out the razor and bandanas.

    “C’mon kiddo, let’s sit at the end of the bed so it doesn’t itch when you lie down,” Burt said. Kurt nodded and moved to the end of the bed with this dad’s help.

    “You’re sure about this?” Noah asked and Kurt nodded but his lip quivered.

    “Look on the bright side kiddo, you’ll look more like your old man now,” Burt said jokingly.

    “Dad!” Kurt said scandalized and Burt chuckled.

    “I’m kidding buddy, I’m only kidding.” He patted Kurt’s shoulder and nodded at Puck who turned the razor on.

    “Wait,” Kurt said and Noah turned it off again.

    “I know you said I need to stop talking like this, but,” Kurt looked up at Noah, “This won’t change anything right?” Noah knelt down in front of Kurt, holding the smaller boy’s gaze for a minute before speaking.

    “Babe, I have a Mohawk and you’re still with me. I mean sure, it makes me look like a stud, but still, had you ever imagined you’d be dating someone with a Mohawk? I don’t care if you have hair, no hair, or a raccoon hat. I’m not dating you for your hair, I’m dating you for you.” Kurt smiled and Puck stood up.

    “Besides, I already told you, you shave yours and I’ll shave mine. So as soon as we’re done with you, you get to do this to me.” Kurt’s smile grew a little and he nodded at Noah, grabbing his dad’s hand. Puck turned he razor back on and only 10mins later he was done. Kurt stood slowly and walked over to the mirror. Burt and Puck heard him suck in a breath and Noah walked over to him with a bandana. He stood behind Kurt and then tied it around his head. He kissed Kurt’s neck gently and then led him back over to the bed. Noah handed Kurt the razor and then sat down on the bed.

    “Alright, do your worst,” Noah said smiling at him and Kurt chuckled. Puck had much less hair than Kurt so it only took a couple minutes before his hair was gone too.

    “Thank you,” Kurt whispered and Noah smiled. Burt clapped his hand on Puck’s shoulder and the boy stood up. Removing the towel they had placed on the bed, Burt helped his son back into bed.

    “I’ve gotta get back to work buddy,” Burt said, “But I’m gonna talk to the nurse and find out if we come here Christmas morning and have Christmas here.”

    “Dad, you don’t have to…”

    “Kurt, you are not spending Christmas, any part of it, in the hospital by yourself,” Burt said, “Now, get some rest.” Burt left the room and Kurt looked at Noah. He looked so sad as Noah reached over and grabbed his hand.

    “I’m tired,” Kurt mumbled.

    “Get some sleep gorgeous, I’ll be here when you wake up.”

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