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    Kurt sat in his hospital bed with his laptop resting on his knees.

    “Hey dude,” Finn said, walking into the room and pulling a chair over.

    “Hey,” Kurt said, closing his computer screen.

    “Puck’s gonna come by later, he got detention,” Finn told him.

    “What did he do?” Kurt asked.

    “Punched Azimio in the face when he heard him talking about you,” Finn said and Kurt groaned, “Don’t be too hard on him, he’s been crazy stressed out worrying about you.”

    “I don’t want him getting in trouble because of me,” Kurt said, wiping furiously at his eyes, “And I hate how emotional this medication makes me!”

    “Come on dude, please don’t cry,” Finn said, patting Kurt’s arm awkwardly, “You’re my brother and I don’t wanna see you upset like this.”

    “Sorry,” Kurt said sniffing, “It’s the medication.”

    “Don’t apologize dude, I just wish there was something I could do,” Finn said.

    “Could we watch a movie?” Kurt asked and Finn nodded.

    “Yeah of course, I brought some from home that I know how like.” He pulled a couple of DVDs from his bag and Kurt looked at them: ‘The Sound of Music’, ‘Rent’, ‘Sweeney Todd’, and ‘Phantom of the Opera’.

    “You know all these are musicals right?” Kurt asked.

    “Yeah I know,” Finn said.

    “And you’re actually fine to sit through one of them?” Kurt asked his stepbrother.

    “Yeah of course Kurt, you’re my brother and you like them,” Finn said smiling.

    “Yeah but you don’t,” Kurt pointed out.

    “Well, these will help you feel better and that’s what brothers are there for, to help each other right?” Finn smiled at Kurt.

    “Right,” Kurt said, “Brothers.”

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