
2.9K 79 16

    At 6:30, Burt arrived home to find Carole and Puck in the kitchen cooking dinner, Finn sitting at the island counter doing his homework, and Kurt sleeping on the couch.

    “Hey,” he said, kissing Carole’s cheek, “how’s Kurt doing?”

    “Okay, he fell asleep about half an hour ago and Noah came in here to help me with dinner.”

    “It was the least I could do since you said I could stay,” Puck said shrugging.

    “You looked after Kurt all day,” Burt said, “and that’s no east task. The least we could do is feed you.” Puck smiled at Burt and resumed stirring the soup.

    “I tried to help…” Finn said.

    “Dude, you put carrots on a tray and stuck them in the oven,” Puck said to his best friend. Finn just stuck his tongue out at him and resumed doing his homework. Twenty minutes later, the table was set and dinner was ready.

    “I’ll gonna go see if Kurt wants to eat,” Finn said. He walked out of the room to go see his almost step-brother.

    “Okay, try and convince him to come and eat, he needs something in his system,” Carole told her son.

    “Kurt,” Finn said as he tapped him lightly, “Wake up.”

    “Ugh,” Kurt groaned and sat up slowly, “What d’you want Finn?”

    “Dinner’s ready, mom says you should eat something since you haven’t eaten all day.” Kurt nodded slightly and stood up, but his knees shook so badly he had to sit down again.

    “Whoa, you alright dude?” Finn asked concerned as he watched Kurt with a worried expression. Hid almost step-brother had stood up, turned white, and sat back down again.

    “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine,” Kurt said quietly, “I just got really dizzy when I stood up.” Finn looked worried for another minute before he walked back into the kitchen. He returned a few moments later with Burt, Carole, and Puck. Puck sat down next to his boyfriend while Burt stood next to the couch and Carole sat down on the table in front of the sick boy.,

    “Open up,” Carole told him and put the thermometer in his mouth. Burt leaned down and put the back of his hand against his son’s head. They waiting in silence again until the thermometer beeped.

    “105.9,” Carole said.

    “Alright, that’s it, we’re taking you to the hospital,” Burt said as Carole stood up.

    “What? Dad, no. That’s not –” he was cut off as he started coughing again. Puck rubbed his back, looking worried.

    “No buts Kurt,” Burt said quietly but firmly, “I know you hate hospitals and even though it’s probably just the flu or pneumonia, I’d rather have you looked at.”

    “But the hospital? Not just our doctor?” Kurt said weakly as Finn brought his shoes over to him.

    “It’s almost Christmas buddy, our doctor is on vacation remember?” Burt said gently as he watched Kurt struggle with the laces on his shoes. He was so tired and fatigued he could barely hold them. Burt took the laces out of his son’s hands and when he was done, Carole, Finn, and Noah were ready to leave. Noah had a coat in his hands for Kurt, only it didn’t belong to Kurt. It was an old jacket of Burt’s.

    “Mrs. H. said this would be better. I know it’s yours but it’s warmer than anything he owns.” Burt smiled and clapped Puck on the back. Noah helped Kurt into the jacket and helped him to stand. Kurt turned white as a goat and nearly collapsed again. Noah kept a firm hold on Kurt on one side while Burt held him on the other as they made their way down the slippery drive.

    After Kurt was in the car Burt climbed in the driver’s seat. Carole, who was in the passenger seat, kept looking over her shoulder at the three boys in the back. Kurt sat in the middle with Noah on one side and Finn on the other. Finn had his hand on Kurt’s shoulder and Noah was holding his hand and brushing his fingers though Kurt’s hair. All the way to the hospital, no one said anything.

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