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            “You ready for this buddy?” Burt asked his son.

            “No, but I don’t really have much choice do I?” Kurt replied.

            “I’m sure everything will be fine bud, I’ll be right there with you the whole time,” Burt assured him.

            “Thanks dad,” Kurt said. He wasn’t a little kid and technically could have gone alone, but it was nice having his dad there with him. The nurse arrived ad wheeled Kurt down for his round of chemo. She hooked up the machines and then left. They sat there quietly for a while before Kurt finally spoke.

            “Dad, it’s bad enough that I’m pulling you away from your work while you’re here with me, I’m sure you have paperwork or something to fill out,” Kurt said.

            “Kurt you’re not pulling me away from anything,” Burt protested.

            “Dad, c’mon, it’s okay,” Kurt continued, “Besides, in about ten minutes I’m gonna feel like crap and not want to talk, so you might as well get something done while you’re here.” Burt looked at his son for a moment and then chuckled, picking up the insurance forms one of the nurses had given to him. Kurt leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, hoping to relax through the while ordeal. However, he was unable to relax as he felt eyes on him as soon as he leaned back. Looking to his left, he saw a little girl about nine years old staring at him. He shifted uneasily, a little confused as to why he was being stared at.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hi…” he replied slowly.”

“My name’s Taylor, what’s you?” she asked.

“Um, Kurt,” he answered.

“Is it your first time here?” she asked curiously.

“Um, no, it’s my second,” he said.

“Oh, that sucks,” she sighed, “It’s never fun having to come back more than once.”

“Yeah,” he replied, “Have you been in more than once?”

“This is my third time,” she informed Kurt, “The first time I was a baby, the second time I was six. I’m nine now, but I’ve already beat it twice, so I think I can do it again.” Kurt nodded, unsure of what to say. She was definitely more optimistic than he was. For the next twenty minutes Taylor asked Kurt questions and he answered, feeling surprisingly alright. Eventually, a nurse entered.

“Oh Taylor, I hope you haven’t been bothering Kurt,” she said, starting to unhook the little girl from all her machines.

“No Miss Stacy, Kurt and I were talking,” Taylor answered happily and Miss Stacy looked at him, her eyebrows raised. Kurt smiled sheepishly at the woman and she smiled back, amused. She knew how Taylor could just start talking to someone. As she started to wheel Taylor out, the little Kurt turned around.

“Bye Kurt, see you tomorrow!” She waved and he waved back.

“Well buddy, looks like you’ve made a friend,” Burt said, amused.

“Yeah,” Kurt said slowly, “I think I have.”

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