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    Kurt woke three days later around eight in the morning just as his dad, Carole, Finn, Rachel, and Noah walked into the room.

    “Hey buddy,” Burt said quietly as he walked in carrying a couple of bags.

    “Hey dad,” he sat up slowly in his bed and smiled at the sight of his family.

    “Hi sweetheart, how are you feeling?” Carole asked, hugging him.

    “Okay,” Kurt said, shrugging as he watched Finn and Noah carry in more bags.

    “We didn’t wake you did we?” she asked but Rachel answered before Kurt had the chance.

    “Of course we didn’t,” she said loudly, “Kurt, how are you? Finn said you had shaved your head which is, of course, understandable since your hair was going to fall out. But you know Kurt; you shouldn’t be embarrassed about having no hair and you really don’t need to wear those bandanas. I’m just so happy I got to see you and – Kurt? Are you alright?” She had stopped her rambling when Kurt sat up quickly and gestured to Noah. The other boy quickly helped his boyfriend sit forward and rubbed his back as he was sick. Kurt leaned back after a moment, his face bright red and he closed his eyes. Carole took the dish out of Noah’s hands and took it over to the sink.

    “Babe, it’s okay,” Noah said as a few tears escaped Kurt’s eyes.

    “I know,” Kurt said sniffing, “I’m sorry I’m being so emotional.”

    “Don’t apologize dude,” Finn started but Rachel interrupted him.

    “Finn’s right Kurt, you don’t need to apologize. I know you’re embarrassed, but there’s really no need. You can’t help it that you’re sick and Noah, I really think it’s great how supportive you’ve been of Kurt and –”

    “Rachel, aren’t your dads waiting sweetie?” Carole said, “We don’t want to keep them waiting for too long now, do we?”

    “You’re absolutely right Mrs. Hudson. Finn, I’ll see you in a couple days. Kurt, it was great to see you and I wish I could’ve stayed longer but my dads dropped me off so I could say hi. We’re going up to way aunt’s house; my dads wanted to leave yesterday but I insisted that I come see you,” Rachel said, beaming at him.

    “Thank you Rachel,” Kurt said smiling, though everyone but Rachel could see it was forced, “That was very nice of you.” She smiled even wider and then kissed Finn before leaving and then as soon as she left Kurt groaned.

    “You alright kiddo?” Burt asked.

    “She’s just… a lot to handle,” Kurt said.

    “Yeah… sorry about her dude, she heard me tell Mercedes that we were coming here for Christmas and insisted on coming to see you” Finn said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

    “Don’t worry about it Finn,” Kurt said smiling at the taller boy.

    “So…” Finn started slowly, “d’you wanna open your presents now?” Everyone laughed and Finn just looked around at them all innocently.

    “Yes Finn, we can all open our presents now,” Carole said laughing at her son when he looked happy at the news.

    “Here ya go dude,” Finn said as he pulled a gift out of one of the bags they had carried in, “It’s from all the girls in Glee Club.” Kurt took the gift from him and ribbed the card off the front before he read it.

    ‘Hey gorgeous boy, Finn told everyone that you had shaved your head so we figured this might cheer you up a bit. We promise we’ll be by to see you soon, love you. Xx Mercedes, Tina, Rachel, Santana, Brittany, and Quinn xX.

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