Chapter Forty-One

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Violet had several weaknesses, some were more obvious than others to the observant eye. Dany was obvious, her twin sister would always be the number one weakness in her life, a weakness she didn't even know she had until recent times. Jon and Daario were two obvious ones as well, her love for them was fierce. Sailing across open water was one the she would never voice out loud to the men in her army, but as her face turned green with sea sickness that fact was something that was becoming clearly obvious to them.

"Are you alright, your grace?" a young man asked. His helmet was resting against his hip and he balanced a bucket in the other hand. He looked as green as she did.

"I've sailed across the narrow sea multiple times now, never did get used to the water I guess." She answered, leaning her head back against the wood of the ship and glancing out at the horizon.

"Maybe the next time will be the last?" He suggested. Violet looked up at him and smiled.

"When I head back to Westeros, I won't be sailing." She said with a smirk forming across her lips. She was not going to sail one more time. No. She intended to fly.


"What the fuck is happening?" Violet whispered, when her army had finally arrived in Slavers Bay. There were ships with foreign flags attacking the city with fire, the pyramid being their main objective. Violet was instantly furious, and frustrated that she had no way to unleash her anger at her enemies. She would jump ship and attack them, but she would do nobody any good as she couldn't swim.

"Should we turn around?" Someone asked.

"There might be another way into the city?" Another suggested.

Violet shook her head. "Sail closer and we take as many out as we can with our archers. Their ships are small, ram them. We are making it ashore one way or another." She told the men around her, including Davos who nodded obediently and rushed below deck to retrieve weapons.

Violet's own bow and arrows were in her hands quickly, and once they were closer to the attacking ships, she fired the first shot.

"Archers!" Davos called out, holding his own bow in his hands, "Fire at will!"

Her men were making a dent rather quickly, as a lot of the attacks on the city had slowed, but much of it had just turned it's attention to oncoming fleet of ships behind them.

Violet's fleet lost two ships that were close by before she growled and found herself leaping off the ship, landing on the deck of the enemies ship that was sailing beside them. Her sword was swift as it cut through the men aboard , none of them seeing her come in time. She felt a wave of nausea hit her as the ship violently rocked, but she swallowed it down and continued on in her attack.

She grunted satisfaction as she killed the final crew member aboard. But she soon realized that the ship had wandered far away from both fleets, and there was nobody close by to help her.

"Seven hells!" She cursed, kicking the side of the boat, watching the fight taking place so far away from her but able to do nothing about it. She also had no idea how to steer the ship, her time aboard ships was spent trying to keep her supper inside her stomach instead of learning how they actually operated.

"I am getting off this ship, I am getting off this ship." Violet mumbled to herself on a loop as she wandered around the deck looking for anything that floated and could carry her closer to her men. She was in the process of tying knots around a barrel of wine to toss overboard when she heard it.

Loud screeches coming from the sky.

She smiled brightly, looking at the three majestic dragons that were now flying overhead.

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