Chapter Twenty-Five

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Violet pursed her lips as she stared at herself in a mirror that was inside the palace of Dorne. And she glared slightly at the woman that stood behind her. She had always loved her silver hair, and Ellaria had taken that from her -- black locks the color of the night sky now covered her head. Her hair had been smoothed without a single trace of curl, and somehow without her really knowing what was happening, two of Oberyn's daughters had smoothed makeup around her eyes.

"You look very beautiful, with your tan skin and dark hair you could almost pass as a Dornish woman." Tyene Sand said, standing beside her mother.

"Almost," Ellaria whispered, giving her shoulders a squeeze. Ellaria was a very tall woman, as was her daughter -- and both very beautiful. The only women Violet had encountered in quite some time was her sister. Missandei was a woman in all sense of the word, but to Violet she still saw her as the young slave girl they rescued from Astapor.

"Tyene go say goodbye to your father, we will be riding for Kings Landing soon." Ellaria told her daughter who then skipped out of the room twirling her dagger. Violet smirked as she reminded her of herself as a young girl.

"So who exactly am I when we get to Kings landing?" Violet asked, turning away from the stranger staring back at her in the mirror. "I've met the Lannisters, although I doubt anyone but dear Tyrion will recognize me."

"You will be Rhaena Sand, My personal guard." Ellaria told her " Oberyn will be on a diplomatic duty, less likely for you to be recognized if you're by my side."

"Clever name," Violet whispered, fiddling with the end of her Valyrian sword.

"That's a very rare sword you have, Where did you come across such a treasure?" Ellaria asked as she grabbed a goblet of Dornish wine on the side table.

Violet smiled thinking of the day Daario gave it to her, she still kept the purple ribbon in the swords helm to keep it safe. And blushed as she remembered the way they took each other for the first time that same night.

"Oh, I see. A lover perhaps?" Ellaria asked, taking notice of the red tint to her cheeks. Violet smiled and shook her head.

"Why would a bastard have a personal guard?" Violet asked curiously, changing the subject.

"Believe it or not, The Dornish treat bastards like human beings. And Prince Oberyn would never let me wander Kings Landing without protection." She winked before filling up her goblet once more.

Violet liked Ellaria. She liked her more than she expected she would after seeing her eye her like a piece of meat upon their first meeting. And the Dornish were a strange people that Violet took comfort around. Anyone who hated the Lannisters as much as she was okay with Violet.

"Catelynn Stark treated me and the other bastards of Winterfell like dirt." Violet told the woman.

"Then why fight for a house who treated you so horribly?" Ellaria asked.

"It was only Catelynn. She was terrible to me, but even I can admit she didn't deserve the death they gave her." Violet grumbled, already planning her revenge against everyone in Kings Landing.

"Most people never do." Ellaria said sadly, glancing out the open window as if she was deep in thought.

A knock sounded on the door, and Oberyn soon popped his head inside. "Are you ready Lover?" He asked Ellaria. She smiled before grabbing Violet by the hand and ushering all three of them out of her chambers.

"As always, Lover." She said.


"I think when this is over, I'm going to lock myself in a room in the red keep and not come out for weeks. I am so tired of traveling all over this bloody country." Violet grumbled, shifting her weight on the horse beneath her. "I can't feel my ass anymore."

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