Starting A New Beginning

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Ricky’s POV

              Ghost fell asleep in my arms and we both woke up in the same position. It was relaxing, after hours of endless torture and heartbreaks because of the fear of him not liking me back. It was over now.

               It wasn’t over, because it was just starting. We were beginning as something new, something in unison. Something that neither of us even thought would ever happen.

              I never thought I would have these feelings for him. But now that I do, I won’t regret it. How could I ever regret?

              I just started acknowledging that I had these feelings but they were always there, I just never did anything about it.

              But I do know that I care a lot about Ghost and I want the best for him. It would kill me when he wasn’t here. It would kill me when he wasn’t in Scranton or when he wasn’t here or when he was Kuza. Was I jealous of Kuza?

              Kind of because I felt like Ghost trusted Kuza more than he trusted me. I didn’t like that but now with a clear mind I see that I was pushing him towards Kuza without even knowing.

              It was horrid.  

              But none of that matters right now, he’s in my arms and in no one else’s.

              I smiled to myself as I looked down on his peaceful and sleepy face. His lips were into a small smirk as he slept. He was at rest.

              But his eyes flickered open. He met mines instantly and smiled automatically.

              “Good morning,” I said.


              “How do you feel?”

              “So much better now,” he blushed which made me blush.

              “Do you want something to eat? It is better late in the day.”

              “In a minute, I just wanted to lay in your arms for a few more moments,” he said before he came closer to me and hid his face in my chest.

              I blushed again and kissed the top of his head. This was great. I love this feeling.

Can You Save Me? (RickyHorrorxGhost)Where stories live. Discover now