This Is Going to Be Hard

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Ghost's POV

        I wonder why Ricky would want to hang out tonight. I have been hanging out with Kuza a lot, nothing sexual but there have been a few kisses here and there.

        And since we’ve been with Kuza a lot lately I felt like it would be good to be around Ricky for a while.


        Things between us have gotten better. I still have feelings for him but I was working on getting over them because they were pointless to have.


        I have Kuza now and that’s more than enough.

        Rick didn’t spill on where we were going so I didn’t know what to wear. Where I asked him he told me to wear something nice. What is that supposed to be?

        I had no clue.


        So I just wore a black dress shirt that had white powder thrown on it to make it look old and dirty, and black skinny jeans that had the same white powder effect on them.

        I did my eyebrows and applied a soft grey/black eye shadow and that was mainly it. I didn’t want to overdo it because I still didn’t know where we were going. While I was putting on my Edward Scissorhands shoes when there was a knock on my door.

        “Ghost, are you ready?” Rick’s voice came through the door.


        “Yeah, I’ll meet you in the living room,” I responded.

        I checked myself out in the full length mirror and saw that everything was looking good. I grabbed my coat that was tucked away in the closet. I threw it onto of what o was wearing and headed out of my room and down the hallways toward the living room where I stopped in my tracks.

        I stared at Ricky.

        He looked so prefect.

        His skin was soft and white. The black and purple eye shadow surrounding his blue eyes made me what to melt onto the floor. He wore the same purple color dress shirt that he had around his eyes.

        A black fitted vest wrapped this torso. He wore his normal black skinny jeans and black Vans. He was breathtaking.

        No Ghost! You can’t say things like that! You’re dating Kuza! Not Ricky!

        Just because I’m technically “dating” Kuza, doesn’t mean I can’t check out Ricky. Oh god, I just checked out Ricky.

        This night is going to be harder than I thought.

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