The Feeling Never Stops

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Ghost's POV

        We drove in silence.  That wasn't all true.

        He was talking. I was listening. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was so beautiful and just so perfect in the moonlight that peeked through the car window.

        It made my chest hurt.

        It's now that I realized that I never was over him. How could I be? Ricky was perfect for me, but if only he could see that.

        I still was attracted to Kuza, but it was just attraction. It was only attraction and I know that I could never like Kuza as much as I like Ricky.

        Maybe,  somehow, by a weird chance of "fate", Ricky would return these feelings.

        Just maybe...

        He took us to a sushi restaurant. He was talking more, and he kept making eye contact with me. It was comfortable, but I kind of liked it.

        After dinner we just sat there talking but it was getting late so we decided that we should head home.

        And on the car ride home, I was silent again. Thinking. Thinking about everything. Ricky, Kuza, Ricky and me, I and Kuza.

        I just wanted to be alone. I just wanted to think about all of this.

        Does he like me? Does he know how know how much he means to me. Once we got back to the apartment, I quickly rushed out of the car, feeling my lungs giving up on me.

        I rushed into the apartment and was beginning to walk to my room before Ricky's arm caught hold of my wrist, pulling me back.

        "Ghost. what the fuck? What's wrong," he looked deep in my eyes.

        The words started to brew up inside of my stomach, waiting to be released. It was deep inside of me but I couldn't say anything, so I was just quite.

        I can't stop loving him no matter what. I couldn't. It was impossible to ever stop loving Ricky.

        "Was it something I said?"

        Oh you said a lot, trust me.

        "Ghost...say something," he pleaded with me, making me hurt even more. His eyes were watery, and it just made it hurt a lot more.

        "Ghost, please...your silence kills me."

        His eyes pierced mine, and I could see that it was hurting me, but he's hurt me, he doesn't know it though.

        He doesn't know how I feel about him. I'm not so sure how he would react if I just tell him. I should just get it over with. Just say it.

        It's been growing in my mouth since dinner. It wasn't hard. They're just words.

        "Ghost..." a lone tear fell from his red eyes, running down his cheek and that was the last straw.

        "Ricky, I love you."

(Holy shit... i might update tonight or tomorrow but please no comments like UPDATE NOW)

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