Should I?

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Everyone is team Ricky, well alright then :)

Ghost’s POV

        After getting the keys to my car and getting into my car, I drove to Kuza’s apartment, leaving behind all thoughts of Ricky. I can’t do anything about the fact that he will never like me the way I use to like him.

        He’s won’t like me back but on the other hand there is Kuza.  Who does like me and who I might have a future with and Ricky? He was a silly crush that I let control me. He’s my best friend and I don’t want that to change.

        I parked my car and hurried back to Kuza’s front door. I knocked and soon enough he opened the door with a caring smile. He stepped aside to let me into the warmth of his home, away from the freezing cold.

        “Are you okay?” he asked after he closed the door. I nodded. He smiled at me and pulled me into his arms. I let my body melt into his, feeling so right being in his embrace.

        “Come on, let’s so sit down on the couch.” He led us to the couch and I sat down next to him. He wrapped his arm around me, bringing me close to him.

        “So, do you know what you’re going to do with Ricky?”


        “Yeah, I kind of had an idea on what I should do,” I answered him.

        “Ghost, can I asked why you and Ricky fought? And the real reason, no bullshit.”

        I exhaled heavily. I couldn’t lie to him. It was easy to lie to Ricky, painful, but easy. If I needed to get over so I need to tell someone that I did have these feelings for him.

        “I liked Ricky, more than just a friendship. I thought…I  thought I loved him but I realized that it was only inside my head. He doesn’t know I like him but he knows something’s wrong.  He just didn’t know that he was the cause of the problem.”

        I looked up to Kuza’s face. It was emotionless yet in his I could tell that he was hurting. Was it what I said?

        “But I don’t like him anymore, or at least I’m trying not to. He doesn’t like me so it’s hopeless to keep it going. But I do like you and I want this to work,” I ended up saying. He smiled down upon me. He looked happy but I can’t tell exactly what’s going on in his head.

Kuza’ POV

        I knew that what he was saying somewhat true, expect for the part of him not liking Ricky anymore. But I do like Ghost a lot. Should I try this, even though I know that deep inside if somehow Ricky gets his head out of his ass and realize how amazing Ghost is, that Ghost would leave me and pick Ricky. Was he worth the heartbreak?

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