A Real Friend

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     It felt so wrong having her lips against mine. It was wrong. But I didn’t want to stop. I wanted to forget.

      I wanted to forget about my stress that has been overwhelming me for the past weeks I’ve been here.

        And I totally wanted to forget about Ricky. I needed to get over him because it’s not doing me any good being hung up on him and he doesn’t even feel that way.

        He only thinks of me as a friend and as a band member, and as a brother. How could that have ever worked out?

        It’s for the best, so I kept kissing Erin, despite how bad I felt about it as I was doing it.

        But so enough I was disgusted with myself so parted away from her slightly swollen lips.

        “I’m sorry,” I immediately said so I took a step back.

        “It’s okay. I’ve liked you for a long time,” she smiled.

        But you barely even know me, I thought to myself. I hate how she’s just assuming like she knows me. I just met her.

        “Oh okay.”

        “Here,” she said before she pulled out her phone from her pocket.

        “Type in your number and I’ll call you so we can hang out sometime soon.”

        I debated with myself on whether or not I should give her my number, but I did. After typing in my number into her phone and saving it, I handed it back to her.

        I feel so guilty right now for some reason.

        “I have to go now but it was nice to meet you,” I said.

        “Ditto,” she said and I left her standing there, going into the other room, and feeling really withdrawn.

        I wanted to go home now and just forget this whole night ever happened. I knew I shouldn’t have come…

        When I got back to the party, I tried to see if I saw Ricky anywhere but I didn’t. Instead, I bumped into Kuza.

        “Hey Ghost!” he yelled over the music.

        “Hi Kuza,” I forced a smile.


        “What’s wrong, you seem a little down?”

        “It’s nothing. I’m just trying to find Ricky because he was the one that drove us here but I can’t find him,” I told him.

        “So you’re leaving so soon?” he questioned and I nodded.

        “Yes, I don’t feel so good really.”

        “I can drive you home if you want,” he offered.

        “You don’t have too,” I said, secretly hoping that he was insist on taking me back to the apartment.

        “No it’s fine. I was leaving too. I think my friend ditched me so I was just gonna head home.”

        “Thank you Kuza.”

        “It’s no problem. Come on, let’s go,” he placed his hand on my shoulder as we both made our way pass the crowd and out to the store. I followed him to his car and got in once he unlocked the door.

        He started to drive to Ricky’s apartment when I started feeling like I didn’t want to go back there for the rest of the night.

        “Hey, is it okay if I stay over your place tonight?” I asked him.

        “Sure, but may I ask why?”

        “I saw Ricky with a girl earlier and he went home with her, I don’t want to be a burden. Plus, I don’t have a way to get into apartment,” I lied; avoiding the real reason was because I wanted to get away from Ricky.

        “Okay, you know I love hanging out with you,” he said and made a turn that led away from Ricky’s place, toward Kuza’s apartment.

        I would much rather be with someone like Kuza than be with Ricky for the rest of the night.

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