The Pain Can Stop...

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Ghost's POV        

        I felt better when I was with Kuza but he needed to leave for band practice. He asked me if I want to go with me, so I wouldn't have to face Ricky for another hour but I told him that I needed to talk to him about things.

        He seemed to understand. So we left his house and I was on my way home. When I told Kuza about my crush on Ricky's he seemed to have known all along that there was something deeper then just a friendship.

        But he still wanted to be with me either way. I can't say nor confirm that Kuza and I are dating but I do like the thought of being with Kuza. It sounds nice.

When I got back to the apartment, it seems to have been cooler inside then the winter weather outside. It was extremely cold. The house seemed empty but I did see Ricky's car outside. I went in and headed toward his door.

        "Ricky?" I called after I knocked.


        "Can I come in?"

        "Are you going to start another fight with me?"

        I rolled my eyes but I knew he was just being a smart right now. That was our "friendship", we fight and now it was time that we make up.

        "No, I just want to talk," I said through the door. A moment later he opened the door. He had a smile on his face which kind of through me off since I thought he would still be mad at me.

        "Come in," he stepped aside and I  followed him in. His bed was a mess of blankets and pillows. He sat down on his bed, his eyes glued on me, and he patted down for me to sit next to him. And I did.

        "I'm sorry about how I have been acting lately," I started off saying.

        "It's okay Ghost, we all go through some shit. I just didn't like not knowing because we're so close and I don't like seeing you in pain."

        "I know and I'm sorry about it," I apologize.

        "I forgive you but do you think that you can tell me why you were acting like that?"

        I shook my head no, I couldn't tell him that.

       He sighed and lowered his head. But he shot it up with a high smile. "It's okay, You'll tell me when you're ready, right?"

        I smiled, but I knew that what I was going to say was a lie. "Of course Ricky."

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