Chapter 13 - Redefined

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Chapter 13  Redefined

I sighed heavily as I trailed behind the psycho as we neared the clearing of the forest. I could hear the footsteps of the guy following maybe 30 feet or so behind me. At least Perseus was safe. I could feel it, if this bonding thing accomplished anything it was a mild sense of relief. Mild, being the keyword.

“I’m surprised you came so willingly Ms Sage.” The woman added mockingly, the look she wore was one of triumph.

“So am I.” I muttered under my breath still a little dazed. Trinity Sage. That’s the second time I heard someone refer to me as that, clearly a very small yet monumental piece to the  puzzle of who I was. When I get out of here I will find my family and this is a very good start.

Now onto more pressing matters; psychos that know you and your whereabouts that come prepared to kidnap you. Clearly these things- whatever dark creatures they are, have plans for me. I wondered exactly how much they knew about me. Did they know I knew very little about myself and my powers? Obviously not if they actually took me. I’d have to bluff my way through it because if they took me as a threat before, they’d sure as hell wouldn’t be afraid of me if they knew I could “spark” flames and cause very small earthquakes.

“Since you know who I am, shouldn’t I be properly introduced?” I thought if anything was going to get her to crack, bombarding her with relentless questions might earn me something.

“Does this look like an eat, pray, love convention? Do I look like the touch and feely type?” She swung her head around briefly to express her disgust.

“ You struck me more as the psychotic -clearly wasn’t held as a child- type.” I muttered which caused the guy behind me to chuckle. He was now about six feet behind me.

“Shut up, Wickham.” She glared at her partner before fisting her hand into my hair and tugging it fiercely towards her.

“He said not to harm her.” The vampire behind me named Wickham added nervously.

“You’re hurting me.” I growled through clenched teeth.

The vampire walked in front of her and came to a halt, crossing his arms. The two of them were clearly on not so great terms. This I could use to my advantage. However, the female vampire refused to let go.

“What are you going to do? Stop me?” She laughed wickedly before tugging on my hair harder.

“UGH!” I shouted in frustration before I thought about her exploding into flames.

I wasn’t sure it was going to happen just like that, but when her hair started to sizzle and the smell of burnt hair filled the air I knew it was working. A smile came out of hiding as her hair caught on fire and her grasp on me dropped. She began slapping her head over and over again and even her partner couldn’t contain his laughter. He grabbed ahold of my arm.

“You’re walking with me from now on.” He didn’t pull or was as rough as the woman had been, and seconds later after she put out the tiny flames that were ignited. She followed us from behind cursing all sorts of death threats under her breath.

In amusement I did the only thing possible in a situation as serious as this. I turned my face to the side to catch a glimpse of her, only to stick my tongue out at her. I had to be very discreet about it because I didn’t want the partner to know I was taunting her. Surely, if whoever wanted me- wanted me unharmed well..... I’d make it a challenge and a half.

I stopped in my tracks, acting completely frozen and when the guy noticed I wasn’t moving he tried pulling me along. I acted as though I was physically unable to move. I was unsure of whether or not this would work, but it was worth a try.

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