Chapter 24: Hang on Lloyd

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Zane, Jay, Cole, and Nya looked straight of them. Starring into the mint green eyes in the dark corridor in front of them. In between them, there was a piece of the wall missing, then the ninja realized it was a door.

They heard murmurs coming through it and soon realized it was their friends voices. They looked through the door to try and see their friends. They looked back at the corridor to realize that the minty green eyes were closer now.

"Guys, back away slowly." Nya whispered. "Why? They're in there Nya!" Jay whispered back and pointed to the doorway. "Jay, just trust me." She replied.

"But-" Cole cut Jay off. "Jay! Just do it!" He said and started to back up to the staircase. The rest of the ninja followed. Once they were out of the tunnel, they hid behind trees and drew their weapons, ready for the minty green eyes.

But she never came.


"We need to get out of here now." Kai said sternly. Skylor nodded and went back to the desk. "I'll try and locate the traps." She said. Kai inched over to Lloyd, debating if he should pick him up or leave him here and find help.

We are his help. Kai told himself. He kneeled down next to Lloyd and carefully eased his hands underneath Lloyd's fragile and unconscious body.

"You think I should lift him?" Kai turned to Skylor before he picked up Lloyd. Skylor turned around and looked and Lloyd. "Hmm, I don't know." She walked closer to Lloyd and Kai.

"He looks pretty bad." She commented. She started to cross the line where the poles of the cage sucked back into the ground, but as soon as she did, the poles came back up and trapped the three of them inside.

"Uh-oh." Kai murmured. "That's not good."

Skylor turned and looked at the poles. "We're in trouble now Kai." She said and looked back at Kai. Kai stood up and walked around while Skylor kneeled next to Lloyd.

She felt his neck for a pulse and same as Kai, felt a faint pulse and growing fainter still. "He's not doing very good Kai... I don't know how much longer he's gonna make it." Skylor said with a worried tone.

"Why is he so weak?" Kai mumbled just enough so Skylor could hear him. He rested his head on one of poles creating the cage. "Kai.... did you see his arms?" Skylor asked Kai, rolling up Lloyd's sleeve. "What?" Kai turned around.

"No, why?" He asked walked over to them. "There's cut marks and scars up and down them. Some of them look recent too." Skylor said and pointed to the cuts on Lloyd's arm that were still bleeding and oozing.

"Oh yeah. Lloyd's been cutting himself too." Kai said and went back to looking at the bars. "Well, that might be why he's so weak. Has he eaten recently?" Skylor asked. "Not that I can remember. If he does eat, it's very little." Kai replied. "And you wonder why he's so weak." Skylor mumbled and rolled her eyes.

"Hey, Skylor?" Kai started. "Yeah?" Skylor replied. "Where was the button to open the trap?" Kai asked. But before Skylor could answer the room went pitch black.

"Why was that? What happened?" Kai looked around in the dark, trying to peer through the darkness. Suddenly the lights came on again, but instead of an empty room they saw a girl with red hair and minty green eyes. She was wearing black and red amour, a sword sheath, a dagger sheath, and an arrow bag across her back. She had a smirk on her face.

"Glad you could make it." She said with a smirk. "Who are you?" Kai asked, looking her up and down. "You look familiar...." Skylor mumbled. "I should." The girl eyed Skylor. "Sis."

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