Chapter 8: Choice

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All the ninja except Lloyd were in the living room watching a movie when Kai walked to his room. As he did so he thought he heard a sob from Lloyd's room so he knocked on the door. "Lloyd?" He asked. No answer, just another sob.

"Lloyd?" He asked again. Still no answer. Instead of asking again he opened the door to see Lloyd sitting in the dark on his bed crying. He had blood on one hand and a knife in the other.

He looked up from the floor and stared Kai blankly in the eye. He took a deep troubled breath as three more tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Lloyd? Are you ok?" Kai asked him softly and walked in. Lloyd almost glared at him, but he seemed too physically weak to do that.

"D-does it look like I'm ok?!" Lloyd said in an annoyed tone, holding out his bloody hand. "Kai," More tears flowed down his cheeks as he looked at the floor.

"I-I can't take it, I-I don't wanna be h-here. I want t-to join Dad. I want to see him a-again." Lloyd cried. Kai sat down beside him and patted his back.

"Lloyd, just think. Think of the people who'll miss you when your gone. Think of the-" Kai was cut off by Lloyd.

"Kai," Lloyd throat was choked up with sobs. "I have thought about it..."

"Oh.." Kai thought of some other way to change Lloyd's mind as he stood up. "Lloyd, I'm not sure if there's any way I can change your mind, so," Kai breathed in then out. "I'll let you do it." He said hesitantly.

"What?" Lloyd looked shocked.

"I..I said...I'll.. I'll let you d-do it.." Kai said again, slower this time.

"Lloyd, it's your choice." And with that, Kai left the room closing the door behind him. Kai stood still for a second, letting everything that happened, everything that he saw, everyone he said sink into his mind.

What did I just do?


*gasp* What's gonna happen?!


Sorry this took awhile to update, I had writers block and didn't know what to do. I'm really skeptic about this chapter so I hope you guys like it, I've also been trying to work on my other stories. ALSO GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALMOST 200 VEIWS!!!

Thanks for reading!



Have a nice day/evening/night.

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