Chapter 7: Pain

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Should I do it? But I can't. Lloyd needs me now more then ever. But.. I can't take it anymore.. but I...I have to be strong...for Lloyd...

Kai sat on his bed in his room with the door closed. He had the knife that he took from Lloyd in his hand. He just stared at the blade, turning it over and over again in his hand, lost in thought.

  I don't feel good right now...I want these thoughts to stop! Then do it. No! I can't! But I... agh! Just do it Kai!


Kai cut his arm and blood ozed out.

 Well, my emotional pain is better..can't say the same about my physical pain though..but I can make it ending it all.....but I can't do it....why? Because I'm weak. But what's the point of living? I'm worthless, good-for-nothing, an idiot. 


He did it again. Knock-knock. He jumped and hid the bloody blade. "Who is it?" Kai asked. 

"It's Cole." He heard Cole say from the other side of the door. "What do you want?" Kai heard a sigh. 

"Kai, you've been in there for five hours! You missed dinner, and so did Lloyd. We're worried about you guys." Kai leaned his back on the closed door and slumped down to the floor. 

"I'm ok. I'll be out in a bit." He replied. He heard another sigh, then footsteps heading back to the living room. Kai sighed, then rested his head against the door and closed his eyes.


Sorry this is short, I kinda have writers block. Well its not too short, it's like almost 300

Well have a nice day/evening/night.

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