Chapter 21: More Traps

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Kai was walking through the woods with Skylor. There was a slight breeze blowing against their faces and through the trees. The rustling of the trees in the breeze was a peaceful sound. Kai actually forgot where he was for a minute while listening to the noises of the forest.

When he took a step, he felt the ground fall from beneath him. But wait...that wasn't ground, it was just leaves covering a hole! And Kai fell it in.

"Kai!" Skylor yelled from the top of the hole. It was about ten feet deep and a little less then five feet wide.


That'll keep 'em a while. Scarlet watched Kai slip on the hole she dug yesterday and grinned to herself. Then, she slipped away to her hideout to check on Lloyd.


Lloyd's eyes opened and at first he saw nothing but a bright light. Then a figure came to into view. He had brown hair that was turning gray, green eyes that were similar to Lloyd's, and he had a ninja gi that looked similar to Sensei Wu's.....

"Dad?" Lloyd asked the figure. The figure nodded in pleasure. "Yes, Lloyd." Garmadon took a couple steps toward Lloyd. Lloyd couldn't believe it. He touched his Dad's face. Yeup, it was real all right. Lloyd felt tears in his eyes, and hugged Garmadon.

"I missed you so much." Lloyd mumbled into Garmadon's shoulder. Then Lloyd thought of something, and let go of his Dad. "Wait.. am I dead?" He asked with concern.

Garmadon shook his head. "No, but you're close to it. And because of that, I was able to visit you in your dreams." He explained.

"But we do not have much time. I only have limited time to visit. It's one of the rules of the departed realm." Lloyd looked down and nodded in understanding. When he looked up again, he saw his dad fading away.

"Times up." Garmadon told him when he saw the look of fear in his son's face. "Already? You have to go so soon?" Lloyd asked.

Garmadon nodded. "I'm sorry. I wish we had more time." He muttered before he completely faded away.


"Here, see if you can climb out with this." Skylor threw Kai one end of a rope so he could climb out. Kai grabbed it and started climbing up the wall.

"Almost there! This is worki-" The rope snapped in two and Kai fell to the bottom of the hole again. He sighed as he looked up at Skylor.

"Any more ideas?" He asked. Skylor looked around. "Hmm......Oh here's a vine. Try this." She tossed an end of the vine down to Kai. Kai grabbed it and started to climb up.

He was a little over half way up the hole when the vine started to split. His eyes widened. Kai jumped just as the vine broke and he grabbed the edge of the ground.

Skylor grabbed Kai's arm just as he started to slip off the edge. Kai looked up into her fear-filled amber eyes, and for a few moments he was lost in them. "Kai! C'mon, I can't hold you much longer!" Skylor half screamed.

Kai snapped in action and grabbed the edge of the ground with his free hand. He brought his leg up to the edge with a swift swinging motion.

Then, he used his leg that was on the edge to pull himself over the edge, and he rolled over the side on his back. He laid on the ground breathing, trying to catch his breath.

"Boy, I hate boobytraps." Kai huffed. Skylor giggled. "I think you only hate them cause you got stuck in one and nearly missed the other." She smirked.

"Yeah, whatever." Kai rolled his eyes as he sat up. "C'mon, lets keep moving." He said and stood. They kept walking through the woods.


Ok, I understand that this chapter is a lot similar to the last and I didn't realize it til now. Buuuuttttt.....I have an ending...... I just don't now how I'm going to get there..... Im already working on the next chapter though.

Welp, thats all for now. Hope you enjoyed. :)

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