Chapter 5: Stress

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"We are proud of the ones who were here before us, the ones to show the way. Goodbye father."  Lloyd said sadly, looking into the flames. 

"His lost will affect us all." Sensei Wu added, putting a hand on Lloyd's shoulder. A tear silently silpped down Lloyd's cheek.

 I'll miss you Dad. He thought as he threw Clouse's spell book in the orange-red dancing flames. 


"Lloyd, you gotta eat. Lloyd?" Kai waved his hand in front of Lloyd's face. Lloyd was zoning out at breakfast and wasn't eating anything on his plate.

 He then started mumbling quietly, "Why did he have to die.... Why did he have to leave me.. H-he won't leave me for long.... h-he'll come back.....w-won't he?" 

He stopped and looked Kai in the eye. "Won't he?! He wouldn't just leave me, he'll c-come back... r-right?" Lloyd said in a louder voice as tears started filling his eyes. Kai saw the sadness in Lloyd's eyes and hugged him as Lloyd started crying softly. 

Five minutes later, after everyone except Lloyd and Kai, got up from the table, Lloyd was still crying, Kai still trying to comfort him.

 "It's ok Lloyd,'s ok, it'll be alright." Kai said softly stroking Lloyd's hair. 

Soon Lloyd cried himself to sleep and Kai carried him to his room and layed him on the bed. What am I going to with you Lloyd? Kai thought as he walked out. 

You don't train anymore, you hardly eat, you hardly talk to anybody, and now I think your hurting yourself. Kai was lost in thought as he walked down the hall when he bumped into someone. 

"Ah, sorry Kai." Cole apologized. 

"Nah, it was my fault, I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm just worried about Lloyd." Kai replied. 

"Yeah, ever since Garmadon died he's been...distant?" Cole thought. 

"Lost? Not hungry? Depressed?" Kai added.

 "Exactly, maybe he'll snap out of it soon. Don't stress about it to much Kai." Cole said as he walked to his room.

But Kai did stress about it, maybe too much...




Sorry I haven't been posting this story much lately, I've had a couple chapters already written out for this story but I didn't like them so I restarted with a new twist. The new twist started with this chapter which I hope you enjoyed.



Have a nice day/evening/night!

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