Chapter 6

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Not the longest but it has a fight scene! Hope I did pretty good, but I would love if you told me how it was... people tend to get lost with my stuff, just wanna make sure it isn't... non-understandable.. does that make sense? :P

Gabe nodded at my comment but otherwise ignored me, going for the cabinet beside the fridge. With my last few years spent growing up here, I had never once seen Gabe go into the cabinet. But now that he did, I looked inside to see some basic medical supplies, with bandages and gauze, but then there were a few other… interesting things.

            Bottles filled with brightly colored liquids were on one side of the cabinet and Gabe grabbed a pink one, along with some gauze as he shut the door quickly.

            For the first time since I had gotten here, Gabe looked up at me, a look I had never seen now taking place in his eyes. “Kiera, if you… if you don’t want to see Alex in pain, you’d better get out of here. I don’t think you want to see this.”

            “You mean you’re going to hurt him?” I questioned. Pausing, Gabe took a minute to answer.

            “Look, it is going to hurt but we have no other resources. I’m assuming that you can’t get to your own dimension because you’d already be there and I don’t think the local hospital specializes in wounded Fearies with bullets in their stomach.”

            Rolling my eyes, I just nodded. At least Gabe hadn’t gone all serious just yet. I needed some normality.

            “I’ll just go over to the school to see Paige, ‘kay?” I called out. As expected, Gabe just grunted, his eyes focused solely on Alex. His shirt had been ripped off so that Gabe could get better access.

            I know it’s bad to think this while he’s injured and stuff but my, oh, my, Alex has some abs. And I don’t mean somewhat, I mean full out, six pack. Not being able to help myself I just stayed at the doorway for a moment, just staring until Gabe spoke again.

            “You know, I’m sure Alex likes getting checked out as much as the next guy, but right know he’s on a dining table, unconscious and with a bullet in his stomach. Don’t you think it’s a bit much now?”

            “Uh…Um…” I trailed off, a warm blush filling my cheeks as I stumbled a bit. Instead of answering him, I just walked out the door. After all, I do need a bit of exercise. Can’t be teleporting everywhere.

            The walk was pretty boring, if I had to say so. It was almost complete silence as I strode down the sidewalk. A cool breeze brushed my flat hair as I went, the smell and sounds of late spring everywhere.

            Was it really the last day of May already? It seemed like just yesterday that I had my fifteenth birthday, that I just had a sleepover with Paige. And now look where I was; a feary with her prince lying on a dining room table, no doubt bleeding out.

            “Well, isn’t that just great,” I muttered, kicking a rock.

            I pushed open the school doors, with a sudden bad feeling in my chest. The hallways were dead empty but that was probably because it was the middle of the day.

            As I made my way to the brown door that was Mr. Monroe’s,  I slowed to a walk. And no, it was just the feeling in my chest, it was the voices that could be barely heard.

            But since all the rooms in the school are soundproof, there was no way anyone could be heard unless they were yelling.

            “What…?” I trailed off, looking through the box window on the door. When I saw the four guys dressed in black, all brandishing a pistol and pointing them at the fearful class, my heart constricted. Well, all but one.

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