Ch. 38

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Hermione's POV

Two weeks went by in a flash, and Draco had pressed charges against Ron for what had happened. Ron was already removed from his position as Auror, and was currently living at the joke shop with George.

Draco had officially moved in with me and I could not have been happier. I was surprised though that we didn't move into his new apartment, though he kept reminding me how much he loved this one better. Harry, Ginny, Blaise, and Pansy all helped with the move, and we celebrated afterwards with pizza.

"So, when are you having the trial at the Wizengamot?" Blaise asked as he grabbed a second slice.

Draco sighed next to me and ran a hand through his hair. "It's going to be on Tuesday at nine in the morning."

"I need to make sure Seamus knows the time since he was the one who saw it," I said, more to myself than any of the others.

"We'll be there too," Ginny nodded, gesturing between Harry and herself. "Extra witnesses. And since we were also both there for Ron's confession..."

"That's going to be important, yes," Draco nodded.

"I just hope it'll be an easy trial," I sighed.

"Don't worry, 'Mione," Ginny smiled. "There were enough witnesses for what happened for them to convict Ron."

"Remind me again why they can't just use Veritaserum on him to get him to tell the truth?" Pansy asked.

"It's because Veritaserum isn't one hundred percent fool-proof," I explained, looking around at everyone. "It only makes the drinker tell what they believe to be the truth, and there are ways for them to combat the effects. Especially if they know they are being interrogated; that's partly why I was able to get Ron to admit that he put the potion in Draco's drink. He didn't know that I had put Veritaserum into his tea so he didn't have time to prepare anything else."

"That's ridiculous," Ginny muttered, shaking her head.

"Yeah, but we at least got something out of him," Harry sighed. "Better than him not admitting it at all."

"It was really good thinking on your part though, Hermione," Blaise said, raising his glass slightly to gesture towards me. "And in the time that you did, too. You managed to get Draco back in a few hours."

Draco took my hand and squeezed it, giving me a smile as he ran his thumb across the top of the ring. I had started casting a Disillusionment spell on it at Ginny's suggestion so that no one would accidentally see it, and this allowed me to continue wearing it. Ginny was still the only person who knew about the engagement, and I wanted to keep it that way at least for a few more months.

"It's good that you two finally moved in together too," Pansy said with a grin, looking at the two of us. "I was telling Blaise that it was only a matter of time before that happened."

We chuckled at that and Draco answered, "I was already trying to move in with her, slowly but surely. It wouldn't have taken very long to do it, either."

"Not really, no," Ginny agreed. "I mean, you basically just moved clothes and books."

"I'm still surprised that we managed to find room in that damn study for the books," Blaise muttered.

"I don't have that many!" Draco laughed.

"I wasn't talking about your books, mate," Blaise grinned.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help smiling as I subconsciously ran my finger over the engagement ring. A small part of me wondered if this was a dream or not; Draco and I were not only engaged, but we were also living together. And for once, I wasn't worried about how fast it had happened. It was almost as if we had picked up right where we left off in our final year.

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