Ch. 28

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Hermione's POV

I could hear the pain in Draco's voice as he continued. "I actually haven't spoken to my parents in about two years. Well, not to my father at least. My mother and I have been writing letters back and forth, but they are few and far between."

"Did something happen between you and your parents?" I asked.

He nodded and sighed. "After the battle was over, my father stood trial with the Wizengamot for his actions as a Death Eater. But after donating a large sum of money to St. Mungo's and with the loving testimony of my mother, he was found innocent since we were forced to give up our home to house the Dark Lord."

I nervously looked over at my parents and found both of their eyes wide. Of course, I had told them the basics of everything that had happened during the second wizarding war, so they understood who Voldemort and his Death Eaters were.

"So..." My father started slowly, "You were on the wrong side?"

Draco sighed and nodded. "My father at first supported the Dark Lord because he believed in upholding the belief that purebloods should always be in power, same with my mother. They brought me up to believe that as well, but deep down I knew it was wrong. I just could never do anything about it. But during the final battle, I finally realized that I couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't continue acting like I believed in the horrible things that were happening. I switched sides during the battle and my parents followed me. They risked their lives to make sure I was safe, after my mother risked hers to keep Harry safe from the Dark Lord."

There was silence for a few moments, and Draco nervously went on. "Anyway, after the trial, my father went back to his typical arrogant self. We had a row because I refused to think like that anymore and I left. I had already taken over the family business at that point so I wasn't unable to provide for myself, and I had actually expanded the business with my partner, Blaise."

"You own a company?" Mum asked in shock. "At your age? But you're so young!"

Draco laughed slightly at that. "I appreciate that, but yes, Blaise and I own and manage our company."

"It's a very successful company too," I added quickly, feeling Draco squeeze my hand slightly. "Draco is working to help discover more cures for ailments with potions and to find easier access to ingredients so that there's no shortage for the hospitals."

"That's very admirable, dear," Mum said softly.

Draco smiled at her. "Yes, I'd like to think so. I wanted to make up for all the pain my family caused, bring a new meaning to the Malfoy name. My father wasn't too happy with this, which partially caused our row. I tried multiple times to make amends with him, but he refused to change his mind. So, I cut off contact with him. My mother was very upset with the entire situation, but she has her own reasons for staying with him. I try to write to her as much as I can, but unfortunately she is wanting to try to keep the peace since she still lives with my father."

"That must be awful," Mum shook her head.

"Yes, though granted, my father wasn't always...the typical fatherly type," Draco explained, gesturing with one hand. "He spoiled me, believing that buying me things was the same as showing me love. But it wasn't, and then when I realized that he was trying to lead me down a horrible path to try and redeem his name with the Dark Lord, I knew I couldn't continue it. So I made my own choices and am trying to make up for all the horrible things I've done."

"Wow," My dad muttered. "So you really did turn a new leaf, essentially."

Draco nodded and smiled at me. "Well, I had someone to help me change in my last year at Hogwarts."

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