Ch. 6

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Hermione's POV

I spent most of Saturday morning packing up everything that Ron had given me, and after I had finished I wasn't sure whether to be happy or sad about the small box sitting in front of me. I had gone from feeling numb to feeling empty inside. I wasn't even really sad anymore. Every time I thought about what had happened, I felt more anger than anything.

After changing into dark jeans and a white sweater, I slipped on my boots and grabbed the box, leaving my bedroom.

A sudden crack got my attention and I pulled out my wand, chastising myself for forgetting to place the anti-apparation charms up. My eyes narrowed as I saw who was standing in the middle of my living room.

"Ronald, get out!" I yelled.

He held up his hands and said, "Hermione, please. I want to talk about this. We can work through this."

I fired a jinx at him which he dodged. "You seriously think I want to be with you after you sleep with another woman? Did you hit your head?!"

He dodged another one of my jinxes and yelled, "I love you! I want to try and fix it!"

"There's nothing to fix!" I shouted angrily. "You ruined everything!"

I found myself crying again as I shouted at him. He was watching me with sad eyes, which only made me angrier. I aimed another jinx at him before disapparating to the first place I could think of.

I landed in the alleyway behind my favorite bookshop. I could hear the voices from the road and I sighed, making my way out of the alleyway.

A hand grabbed me suddenly and pulled me back. I sent a jinx back behind me and saw Ron holding onto my arm. I pulled my arm out of his grasp and yelled, "Why can't you leave me alone!"

He held up his hands and said frantically, "Please! Just give me a few minutes to talk!"

I hit him with a flipendo before I disapparated again. Harry jumped when I landed in the middle of his living room while panting. 

"Hermione?" He asked, standing up in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

I ran towards him and heard the pop behind me that signaled Ron had found me again. I sent back another flipendo towards him and he dodged it.

"Hermione, please!" He yelled in frustration.

Harry suddenly got between Ron and I, pointing his wand at Ron and casting a Leg-Lock jinx. Ron's arms flailed as he fell forward, landing face down on the floor.

"What the hell, mate!" Ron groaned as he lifted his torso. "Why did you do that!"

I wiped away the few tears that had escaped and glared at my ex fiancé. "Why were you following me? How did you even know where I was going?"

Harry gave me an odd look. "What happened?"

"He apparated into my apartment and when I disapparated to get away from him, he followed me!" I explained angrily. "I apparated to the library, and then here!"

Harry glared at Ron who was rolling over on the carpet before turning back to me. "Ginny's at the place where I bought breakfast from yesterday. Go there, I'll make sure he doesn't follow you."

I nodded and apparated away, hoping that Ron wouldn't follow me this time.

Harry's POV

After Hermione disapparated, I turned back to Ron and said, "Why can't you leave her alone?"

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