Ch. 4

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Hermione's POV

The picture on the front page of the Daily Prophet was so wonderful, I wanted to frame it for my desk. After Ron had left, Ginny managed to confront him and they both apparated to a public place when Ron tried to escape from Ginny. Harry managed to track them both down, but it was too late.

Ron was already suffering from Ginny's infamous Bat-Bogey Hex, and the paparazzi caught it just in time to show Harry holding a screaming Ginny back from physically attacking Ron, who was holding his nose as bats were flying out of it.

I laughed every time I looked at it.

Jenn thought it was a riot as well, and she even avoided talking about the rest of the headline when I showed up for work the next morning. She gave me the few messages I had missed, and promised to keep anyone from entering. I told her that Ginny and Harry were fine and disappeared into my office.

The events of the night before still hadn't fully hit me yet, though I was very aware of the missing item on my left hand. I looked down at my finger, half expecting the small ring to be there. Almost on cue, I received a text from Ginny.

You better not be looking at your hand.

I grinned and sent a quick reply. Did you learn Legilimency or something?

No, I'm just right outside your office window.

I looked up to see her grinning and waving at me. With a laugh I waved her in. "Did they cancel practice again?"

She shrugged as she sat down. "The captain was unhappy with this morning's Prophet headline."

"Ah yes," I nodded. "Did you get suspended?"

"Only from today's practice," She grinned. "Gwenog may have been secretly proud of me though and only suspended me for the quidditch league's appeasement."

I shook my head at her and couldn't hold back my own grin as I leaned forward, resting my forearms flat against my desk. "So, are you here to spy on me and make sure I don't break down crying?"

"Now who's learned Legilimency?" She retorted, draping her legs over the arm of the chair. "Though I am surprised by how cheerful you are right now, considering last night."

"To be honest, I am too," I admitted. "I think though right now I'm just numb to the idea. Like it hasn't fully hit me yet."

Ginny chewed on her bottom lip. "Is it bad that I hope you stay like this?"

I shrugged and set aside the case I was working on. "Why do you hope that?"

"Because I know once it hits you, it's going to hit hard," She said sadly. "And then I'm going to want to kill my brother all over again."

I shook my head. "Don't worry. After all, we've been through a war with one of the most feared and evil wizards of all time. I think I can survive a broken heart."

"Are you two talking about this already?"

We turned to see Harry standing in the doorway, holding a box that smelled amazing. He grinned and held up the box slightly. "I brought snacks."

"Aw, thank you love!" Ginny said excitedly. "This is good because I'm fairly certain Hermione didn't eat anything before she got here a few hours ago."

Ginny scowled at me while I shrugged. "I had a cup of coffee, that's normally my breakfast."

"That's not good for you," Harry said, setting the box on my desk.

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