Ch. 3

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Hermione's POV

As soon as I got home, I poured the last glass of wine from the night before and texted Ginny that she was welcome to come over as I had decided to come home. She texted back a few minutes later to say that she was in the middle of grocery shopping and would be over just as soon as she was done. I didn't mind though as I turned on the TV and lost myself in a movie.

Ginny appeared with a quiet pop about an hour later, with a bottle of wine in each hand. "I see you've already started."

I raised my glass in a silent cheers as she went to the kitchen to open one of the bottles, returning to sit next to me on the couch. "Harry said he'll be over with dinner after he gets off around five-thirty."

"Oh, he doesn't need to do that," I said.

"Nonsense," Ginny said with a wave of her hand. "You're our best friend and we want to help you."

I gave her a small smile. "You two are the best friends a girl could ask for."

She grinned. "Now, I think you should spend the night with us tonight."


"No, I'm not taking 'no' for an answer," Ginny said sternly. "You're my best friend and I will not have you spending the night in this apartment by yourself with your thoughts. Especially if my brother continues to hide like this without giving you answers."

"Frankly, Ginny, I don't really want to hear you and Harry going at it," I frowned.

She laughed. "If it does happen, I'll make sure the room is charmed so you can't hear anything!"

"Thanks Gin, greatly appreciated." I rolled my eyes.

"My pleasure!" She said, raising her glass.

"I'm sure it is," I muttered before taking a sip.

She nearly spat out her wine, swallowing it quickly and letting out a laugh. "I'm so happy you haven't lost your sense of humor with all this."

I frowned slightly and swirled the wine I had in the glass. "Well, one has to keep a sense of humor when this happens."

"Have you heard from Ron at all?" She asked, obviously concerned.

Shaking my head, I sighed. "Not a word. Have you?"

"Trust me, everyone would have known if I heard from him," Ginny said in a low voice, "Because he would have been admitted to St. Mungo's by now."

I grinned slightly as she shifted her weight and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm not sure," I said, looking away. "I mean, it was just a kiss. I'll definitely give him the chance to explain himself but I'm hoping it was actually just a kiss."

I could see Ginny giving me an uncertain look as she said, "You're taking this a lot better than most people would. I mean, it was plastered all over the newspapers."

"I don't want to overreact if it was just a kiss," I admitted, finishing off my wine. "If that's all it was and I go ballistic, then it'll make me look awful. I've already had my cry over it; now I just want answers."

"I can understand that," Ginny said, pouring me another glass. Then she patted my knee and said, "Come on, let's talk about happier things."

We polished off the bottle and had opened the second one by the time Harry arrived, nearly two hours later. He had yet another bottle of wine along with a few takeout containers. But as soon as he saw the empty wine bottle on the table and the empty one from last night on the counter, along with the unopened one still on the table, he shook his head.

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