Ch. 32

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Draco's POV

I raised an eyebrow at the red head, saying, "About what?"

He shrugged. "Just a simple talk. Man to man."

I felt Hermione stiffen next to me slightly and I squeezed her hip reassuringly. "Alright. Real quick though."

He nodded and led me away towards the bar. "Let me buy you a drink."

I gave him a suspicious look. "Alright, what is this about?"

"I already told Hermione that I'm moving on," He answered, resting his arms on the bar top. "I just want to make sure she's going to be treated right."

"Why wouldn't I treat her right?" I asked angrily. "I love her, and I would never do anything to hurt her."

He looked over at me and just stared. "I would hope not."

"What is the real reason you brought me over here, Weasley?" I asked, looking at the bartender and gesturing towards my empty glass. "You know I've been treating her right. And frankly, you have no right to try and intimidate me after what all you've done."

"I know, but given your history versus our history, I think I can at least have a say," He answered simply. "I still love her, but she deserves the best and I couldn't give it to her. So I just want to make sure you don't hurt her as well."

"Look, Weasley," I turned to face him, scowling at him. "I will never hurt her. I love her too much, and I'm pretty sure I love her more than you ever have. I don't know what kind of intimidation you are attempting to do right now, but it's not working. And I've already gotten it from your family as well as her family. You are the least intimidating person that has talked to me about Hermione's welfare."

He simply shrugged and pulled the drink that the bartender had set down towards him. "She's still my best friend after all of this; I just want to make sure she's alright."

The bartender set my drink down in front of me shortly after as I rolled my eyes and took a quick sip. "I wouldn't say best. Not after the shit you've pulled. She may have forgiven you, but that doesn't mean that you're best friends still."

"Maybe not, but we'll get there again. Things are already improving." He turned slightly and gestured back towards her. "I mean, look at her. Look at how happy she is right now."

I raised an eyebrow at him but looked back towards Hermione. She did look very happy, a constant smile on her face as she talked to Ginny. She looked at ease, as if she didn't have a care in the world at that moment. And she shouldn't have had a care in the world; she deserved a quiet, happy life after everything she had been through, and I wanted to be the one to give it to her.

"I just want to make sure she is always this happy for the rest of her life," Ron said quietly. "She deserves it."

"Yes she does," I agreed, looking back at him and scowling. "What's brought this sudden change of perception on?"

He shrugged. "Life's short. I realized that I was not being productive with my actions and I wanted to change that for her sake."

I looked at him for a few moments before looking away. Who was I to judge someone for wanting a second chance? After all, I couldn't even have hoped for a second chance and I still got one.

"I can respect that," I said quietly. "However..."

I turned to face him, straightening up and putting my hands in my pockets as I glared at him. "If you do anything to make her uncomfortable or unhappy, or you try anything to jeopardize our relationship, you will be dealing with me personally. I have let her handle everything up until this point out of respect for her and her wishes, but now I'm going to make sure that she stays happy. And I will not let anyone, especially you, ruin that for her."

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