Ch. 2

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Hermione's POV

My alarm went off almost too early, but the clock wasn't lying to me. I groaned as I turned it off, rolling out of bed and stepping into the kitchen. One of my small pleasures was a cup of coffee in the morning before work, and as the coffee would brew I would take a shower.

About twenty minutes later, the entire apartment smelled amazing. I smiled as I stepped out of the shower and wand-dried my hair, wrapping my fluffy grey robe around me. There was a tapping on one of my living room windows and I noticed the owl that brought me the Daily Prophet every morning waiting patiently outside.

After retrieving it and giving the owl its treats, I went back into the kitchen and dropped the paper on the counter before pouring myself a mug of coffee with two sugars and milk. Coffee in hand, I unraveled the paper.

Thursday, September 26th

Golden Trio's Ron Weasley Seen Snogging Beautiful Blonde In Club - But Where's Hermione?!

The crashing sound of my coffee mug shattering on the floor barely registered as I stared at the paper. Sure enough, there was a picture of Ron in a lip lock with a blonde girl who barely looked of age. My vision suddenly went hazy as tears filled my eyes, and I felt my chest tighten.

How could he?

After releasing a few tears and wiping them away, I took a few deep breaths and repaired my mug, cleaning up the coffee that was all over the floor. As much as I wanted to break down and sob my heart out, I knew that I still had to go to work and not hide myself in my bedroom. I didn't want anyone pitying me more than they probably already were.

I tried to make an effort with my outfit, opting for a pair of black skinny jeans and a nice black jumper, wrangling my hair into a bun. I took one look at myself in the mirror and grimaced. It was obvious that I was upset. I quickly swiped on some eyeliner and mascara, not bothering with any foundation since I knew that I would most likely cry it all off before sighing. That was about as good as it was going to get.

Lacing up my black combat boots and grabbing my bag, I lifted the anti-apparation charm, apparating to the Ministry. I tried to hold my head high as everyone gave me sad and sympathetic looks, and if the whispers were any indication, I would say everyone had read the Prophet already.

I made a quick note to my assistant not to let anyone disturb me, and only once I escaped to the safety of my office and cast a silencing charm did I let the floodgates open. I cleared all of my paperwork off of my desk to avoid getting tears on them and dropped my head into my arms, sobbing.

My phone going off caught my attention after what felt like hours of crying and I looked at it to see Harry had texted me.

Are you okay? Your assistant won't let me in.

I unlocked the door with a wave of my hand and yelled for Jenn to let Harry in. Moments later, Harry rushed into my office and he shut the door quickly behind him.

"Hermione, I'm so sorry," He said as he made his way to me, pulling me into a hug. "I don't know what happened but I can assure you that we will get to the bottom of it."

Breaking down again into his shoulder, I sobbed my heart out for what felt like hours. He let me cry it out and finally I quieted down and wiped away my tears. Then I looked at the large tear stains on his shoulder and laughed, though the laughter caught in my throat.

A Crazy Little Thing - DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now