Ch. 25

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Hermione's POV

Surprisingly the rest of the week flew by easily. Draco would help whenever I needed to reapply the healing salve on my injuries, which were healing well, and quickly thanks to the salve. While they weren't completely healed yet, I was able to move my arm finally and the wounds no longer hurt.

Draco decided to work from my apartment as well, to make sure that he was there in case I needed anything. It was nice having him around, though admittedly I wasn't used to having someone in my apartment 24/7 with me. Ron hadn't even moved in with me when we were engaged. But Draco and I quickly fell into an easy routine. It was rather nice living with him. I was even able to get him hooked on coffee.

Ginny called me Friday afternoon excitedly. "Hermione! Are you two coming to my game tomorrow?"

I frowned slightly and looked up at Draco, who was watching me curiously. "Is it here in London?"

"Yes, it's going to be my last home game for a while," She sighed. "And it's been so long since you've been able to come to one of my games!"

"True, you haven't had a Saturday game in a while," I agreed slowly. "Let me talk to Draco about it and I'll text you later. Is your family going?"

"Yes," She said hesitantly. "But if you want, I can get you a box on the other side of the stadium from them. He's going to be with them."

I groaned slightly. "I'd love to see the rest of your family, but I'm not ready to see him yet."

"I know, that's why I offered the box on the other side of the stadium," She explained. "They do want to see you too, especially after what's happened."

"Maybe we can set up another brunch at the Burrow on Sunday, and try to get Ron out of there so that there won't be any trouble," I thought out loud. "Because I would like to bring Draco to it."

He gave me a terrified look which I couldn't help but laugh at, and Ginny was laughing on the other end of the phone as well. "I can only imagine how much he will stick out at brunch. We should be able to make it happen though, I can see if Harry can maybe give Ron a last minute assignment that's only for the weekend. That way everyone wins."

"I doubt he'd be able to put an order through, honestly, considering that it's already Friday," I said as I shook my head. "We'll see what happens though. I'll text you later today."


We both hung up and Draco was still giving me a terrified look. "Don't tell me that you're planning on making me go to brunch with that clan of redheads."

I grinned. "Don't worry; I'm fairly certain taking care of me puts you in their good graces."

"Not if they don't know about it beforehand," He muttered. Then he sat down next to me while setting a mug of tea on the coffee table. "So, Ginny wants us to go to her game tomorrow, I'm guessing?"

I nodded. "It has been a while since I've been to one, and she offered to get a box for us on the other side of the stadium from her family."

"That would be nice," Draco said, nodding as he thought.

"And maybe we can take Blaise and Pansy," I offered.

He gave me a surprised look but nodded. "I doubt Blaise would say no to that."

I smiled. "I'll text Pansy then and see if they have plans."

"It's rather odd that you're texting her," He said and he gingerly placed an arm around me. "Does that hurt?"

A Crazy Little Thing - DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now