Ch. 26

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Hermione's POV

I sat nervously in the small muggle café, casting glances outside every few moments. I had agreed to Draco coming along as long as he stayed outside, and luckily the café was next to a park that had benches. Draco was set up on one of them facing the café, and I couldn't take my eyes off him as I waited.

The way he was posed, he looked like a model straight out of a magazine with his dark jeans, white shirt, and a black leather jacket. His arm was draped lazily across the back of the bench and he had a leg up across his other knee; I desperately wished I was underneath that draped arm instead of alone inside the café. The black sunglasses and black leather shoes completed his look, and I noticed that lots of women would cast glances at him as they passed. It was hard not to, with his scruffy look and hair that effortlessly flowed back from all the times he would run his hands through it. It was a much better look than the gelled slick back he used to do in school.

He would give me looks every once in a while as I waited, smiling at me. My heart would beat a little faster every time he did, and I could feel myself blush. Why did I wait so long to be with someone so wonderful?

His expression hardened suddenly and I realized that it was because Ron was approaching the café rather quickly. Thankfully he didn't notice Draco as he walked up, and my stomach turned into knots as my ex-fiancé opened the door and walked in.

Ron noticed me immediately when he looked around and I started to wonder if this was a good idea as he happily walked to the table. "Hermione!"

I cringed when he stopped next to me, looking down at me as if he was expecting me to get up and hug him. He stood there awkwardly for a few moments before shuffling back and sitting down opposite me.

"I'm so happy that you decided to talk to me," He said as he gave me a smile. "Do you want something? Tea, coffee?"

"Tea's fine," I answered, nodding.

Ron left the table to go order and I immediately looked out at Draco, who had now completely changed positions. He was instead leaning forward, his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together above them. Even though he was wearing the sunglasses, I knew he was watching us. A small wave from him confirmed this and sent my stomach flipping over itself, and I gave him a smile.

"I got you earl grey," Ron announced suddenly, making me jump as he sat down across from me. "I hope that's alright."

"That's fine." I grabbed the small cup gingerly with my unbandaged hand and set it in front of me. He was smiling at me when I looked back up and I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Nothing," He shook his head. "You're just as beautiful as ever and I missed seeing you."

I rolled my eyes. "Ron, don't."

He gave me a confused look. "Don't what?"

"Don't do that," I said, gesturing towards him. "Don't try to flirt with me."

"Why not?" He gripped his cup slightly tighter.

"Because it's not going to change anything," I answered sharply.

"Isn't this why you agreed to meet up?"

I glared at him. "Absolutely not. I agreed to meet up because you won't stop pestering me about having a talk. I wasn't ready in the past but I want to get past it and move on, and this is the first step."

"I'm ready to move past this too," He said, straightening up. "I just want to get back to where we were, happy together."

I sighed and looked down into my tea. "Ron, we're never going to get that back."

A Crazy Little Thing - DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now