Ch. 18

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Hermione's POV

After a lot of convincing, I finally managed to get Ginny out of my apartment around four-thirty, giving me an hour to get ready, which was plenty of time considering this was apparently a more casual date.

I found myself smiling the entire time as I got ready, thinking about what Ginny said. I still wasn't sure if I was ready to fully start a relationship with Draco, but there was something freeing about knowing that I could do it whenever I wanted. That and it helped that he still wanted to see me regardless.

Since it was a more casual date, I decided to go with a pair of dark skinny jeans, a light blue tank top and a cream colored cardigan. I kept my hair down this time, using my wand to dry it into nice beachy waves before doing my makeup.

I grabbed a pair of black ballet flats and went out into the living room since Draco was going to be there any minute. Right after I pulled the shoes on, Draco suddenly landed in my living room, making me jump.

"Sorry," He apologized with a grin. "I meant to land outside your door."

I laughed. "I'm sure you did!"

He looked very nice in a simple black button-up with the sleeves rolled up to just underneath his elbows, and a pair of dark jeans with black shoes. He held out an arm to me and I wrapped my arm into his, smiling at him.

"Ready?" He asked.

I nodded and he disapparated us. We didn't land in a restaurant, which surprised me. As I looked around, I realized we were in an apartment.

"I thought I might cook you dinner tonight," He said with a smile.

I smiled in return and he gave me hand a squeeze before releasing my arm and walking into the kitchen. "Wine?"

"Yes please!" I said happily as I explored his apartment. "Draco, this is beautiful!"

It was very similar to my own apartment, but quite a bit bigger in size. We were in a different part of London, but I thought in the distance I could see my own building not too far off.

"Spying on my apartment?" I asked slyly, raising an eyebrow at him.

He laughed as he came over to me and handed me a glass of red wine. "That was purely coincidence. Remember, I got this place before you moved in."

"Oh, yeah."

I continued exploring with my glass in hand, marveling at how beautiful his apartment was. Instead of the black floors and grey walls of my apartment, there was grey hardwood flooring and white walls. The kitchen was on the right of the door coming in rather than the left that it was at my apartment, and the kitchen cabinets were the same white as the walls.

"This doesn't seem like the kind of place I would have expected you to live in," I said as I ran my hand along the white quartz countertop. "It's so...bright."

He laughed. "Well, when one lives in the dungeons under the lake for seven years, and a dreary manor in the times not in the dungeons, you tend to want a brighter place to live in."

"Ah, I can't say I understand," I said with a smile, leaning against the counter and taking a drink. "Living in a tower, we had plenty of brightness."

"Also plenty of chaos," He said, giving me a look. "I heard about the parties you people would throw. I'm surprised that tower was still standing, especially with you, Harry, and the Weasley clan."

I feigned a shocked and offended look. "Me? I was completely innocent!"

He snorted. "I've heard about the crazy things you got into, Granger. You can't play innocent with me!"

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