The Big Moment

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 The Halloween dance was that night and it had thrown the whole school into chaos. People were scrambling around trying to figure everything out. What to wear, who to take, blah blah blah.
The teacher was out today in Robbie's music class so they had a sub. He was one of those substitute teachers who let the class take control and now things were getting hectic. Robbie wanted to get away from the crazy class so he sat in a corner of the room and pulled out his 'Pan Flute' that he got from Neverland.
He sat frustrated for quite sometime. Ever since Robbie met Lynn his flute has stopped working and no music would come out.
"Stop playing that!" Kids would yell at him. "The noise is getting annoying."
"What do you mean?" He asked. "I can't hear anything." He looked down at the flute puzzled. He had always been able to hear it before.
"Are you deaf?" A another classmate asked. "That thing is staring to give me a headache."
"But I can't hear anything." Robbie looked inside it and around it but nothing was out of place.
"I can't hear it either." A dark haired boy said.
"Your an idiot!" A girl exclaimed.
The whole class started arguing. Some on the boys side and some on the girls side. The teacher tried and failed to calm them down.
"Listen everybody!" The teacher said. "We need to talk about the Halloween dance."
Everyone paused and looked at him. They were all very excited for the dance. Robbie smiled as he imagined dancing with Lynn. It took him off in a dream land for a few moments.
"...Halloween king and queen." That was all Robbie heard the teacher say but it was enough to make him pay attention again. People started nominating other people for king and queen when one girl nominated Robbie making him mad. The others in class noticed that Robbie didn't like it so they all joined in saying that he should be king. A few kids laughed here and there. Robbie got more and more upset knowing they were all just making a fool of him. He was about to yell when he thought of Lynn being queen standing next to him and he calmed down. He simply raised his hand and told the teacher that Lynn should be queen.
"Well I can't guarantee it but she will be on the candidates list." The teacher assured Robbie. He nodded slowly and smiled.
If I had to choose a queen for Neverland, I would choose Lynn. He thought. I wish she could come with me.


Lynn was, once again, at her cooking class. They were all taking a break from cooking for the day and were carving pumpkins instead. She wasn't even really paying attention to what she was doing. Her and her classmates were talking very excitedly about their dates for the dance.
Lynn then started thinking about hers and Robbie's costumes, which she was almost done with. She giggled to herself thinking of how Robbie would look in his. He would be so adorable.
She looked up to see the whole class staring at her pumpkin and pointing. She was really confused at their reaction until she saw her pumpkin and pretty much joined them.  It was a perfect copy of Robbie's face carved into her pumpkin. After Lynn's initial reaction she blushed a little and giggled. She looked over to see Katie glaring angrily at her. Lynn just shrugged it off and smiled.

Class got out shortly after and Lynn headed to Robbie's locker.
"Hey beauty." He told her as she walked towards him.
"Hey." She said smiling. "Are you excited for tonight?"
"Yeah..." he said kind of awkwardly.
"Whats wrong?" Lynn asked him.
"Nothing." he said as he shrugged.
"Come on Robbie." She begged.
"Oh fine but please don't be mad." He looked at her. "I put you on the list of candidates for the Halloween queen."
"Why?" She asked a little upset.
"I don't know, I just thought you would be perfect." He gave a small smile.
She smiled as well and kissed the tip of his nose. "In that case thank you." They both smiled for a minute. "Hey the costumes are almost done, do you want to come take a look?"
"Of course!"

They got to Lynn's house happy that the school day was over and they could now prepare for the dance. Thankfully Lynn's parents were not home but they would be any minute so they needed to hurry.
Up in Lynn's room Robbie sat on her bed and she put the finishing touches on the costumes. As she did that Robbie smiled at her and watched. She was so amazing and Robbie just felt amazing around her. She really had changed him for the better.
"I'm all done!" She announced. "Go put it on!"
She threw the costume at him and he went into the bathroom.
Once he put it on he looked at himself in the mirror amazed. It looked exactly like his pan costume from his dreams. It's almost like Lynn has some kind of connection with Neverland. Robbie gave an evil smile to himself in the mirror completing his costume. It had been so long since he had been Peter Pan it felt so good to be back.
"I'm ready for you to come out!" Lynn called to him. Robbie walked out and saw Lynn in her costume and he was completely blown away. She was stunning, as usual.
He kissed her and told her how perfect she was causing her to giggle and blush.
"You look great too." She told him.
"Come on let's get to the school." Robbie grabbed her hand and lead her downstairs.
      The dance was fun. They danced,
ate, and laughed for hours. After a while one of the teachers turned on the Mic as the music stopped. It was time to announce the king and queen.
"Robbie and Lynn!" Nobody really cheered for them except a few people. Robbie and Lynn were both very shocked but pleased too.
"Shall we dance?" Robbie held his hand out to Lynn. She gladly took it and they slowly danced to the the music.

"Its weird..." Lynn said with a confused face. "Since when does a school have a king and queen for the Halloween dance?" Robbie just shrugged and smiled.

"I don't know but I'm glad this school does."
They had a wonderful time and when it was over Robbie invited Lynn over to his house.
"It will be great to get away from my parents for a little while." Lynn told him. "They get so annoying."

They laid in Robbie's bed watching a movie and telling each other their favorite parts of the dance.
"I had so much fun Robbie," Lynn told him. "Thank you for taking me."
"Anytime." Robbie grabbed the remote and paused the movie. "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You blow me away." Robbie and Lynn turned on their sides to face each other.
She kissed him and said that he is her prince charming. They kissed again as they pulled each other closer and closer. The kiss deepened and they got completely lost in the moment and the night.
      After their first time Lynn fell asleep before Robbie did giving him time to study the beautiful girl next to him. He smiled as he saw her bare skin knowing that she was his. Everything seemed right in the world now. And one thing was sure, they would have many more nights like this in the near future...

      Only one question remains, why does Lynn seem to have a connection to his imaginary land called Neverland?

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