Shy Date

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Lynn smiled at herself in her mirror as she smoothed out her pink dress. Tonight was the night. She left in ten minutes for her date. She took a deep breath and saw her mother walk in behind her.

"You look so great!" She told her. "Very pretty."

"I'm not sure..." Lynn sighed. "I think it may be too much." She looked at her short pink dress and black flats.

Her mother laughed a little. "Honey you don't even have any jewelry on. How can that be too much? You look fine, dont worry."

"I'm not sure this is the right thing mom. Why should I even try to get involved in him again?" She sat down and took off her shoes. "I'm not going."

"Lynn, what's the harm in one date?" Her mother sat besides her and grabbed her hand. "I know you have missed him. You don't do a very good job at hiding it."

Lynn looked down.

"Put your shoes back on and just try. If he is a jerk and you don't feel comfortable with it, then you never have to see him again. But if he has really changed... wouldn't you want to know?"

"I suppose so..." Lynn thought hard before slipping her shoes back on. "Alright, I'll give him a shot. But I'm going to be on guard the whole time."

"Smart." Her mother stood up. "I'm proud of you Lynn. You have become quite the amazing person."

Lynn smiled at her mother and thanked her.

On Lynn's way to the restaurant her nerves grew tremendously. And once she pulled up she was about ready to run away. But she gathered her courage, and walked in. She saw him sitting in a corner booth and her heart just about jumped out of her chest. She was shocked to see him in normal clothes. He wasn't wearing his Peter Pan outfit.

He hadn't noticed her yet but his head began to turn her way. She hid behind a wall before he could see her.

She was too scared to walk up to him so she just sat on the bench in the waiting area for a moment. Occasionally she would peak around the corner to see if he was still there. She felt like a creeper. After a while she got up and went to the bathroom. When she came back she checked to see if he was still sitting there and he was.

She took a deep breath and sat down again. She went over the pros and cons in her head. For what was probably ages she tried to convince herself to just go and sit down at the table with him. It was like going bungee jumping. Trying to talk yourself into finally taking the jump.

After a while Pan got tired of waiting and figured she wasn't coming. He stood up to leave and walked towards the door. When he rounded the corner he saw Lynn sitting on the bench. She stood up quickly out of surprise.

"Oh! Uh... hi!" She said as she stuck her hand out for him to shake. Then she quickly pulled it back towards her.

"Why were you sitting here?" He asked her.

"I was..." she tried to think of something. "Waiting for you!"

"Oh? Well, I've been here a while."

"Sorry to make you wait." She said. "Now that we are both here let's get started!" She rapidly walked towards a table, her heart beating hard.

He looked at her, confused by her flustered actions. Then followed right behind her to the table. When they got there he pulled the chair out for her before she sat down. She looked at him curiously.

"Well, this is different." She said as she sat down.

"Good different?" He asked hopfully as he remembered how Felix taught him to act.

"Very." She smiled a little and slightly turned pink.

"So, I- I'm so sorry Lynn." He looked down at his plate then back up to her face. "I want to try to go back to the way things were but I'm kind of thinking that is impossible after all I have done."

"It is impossible." She told him. "But that doesn't mean that we can't move foward." She starred into his eyes for a few minutes.

"What do you mean?" He didn't understand what she ment when she talked about going foward.

"Maybe, we could try to work things out again. We could try to look to the future instead of being so stuck in the past." She grabbed her napkin and placed it on her lap. "So... let's start over okay? Hi, I'm Lynn." She held out her hand across the table.

He looked at her for a moment, trying to figure out how to answer. Who was he? Should he go with who he knew, Pan, or say who he wanted to be, Robbie. He looked into her sparkling eyes and took a small breath before answering.

"Hello Lynn, my name is Robbie."

When he admitted who he truly was he had fully remembered identity. Lynn had never been happier to hear him say who he really was. And this proved to her that he was wanting to try again.

That date changed Robbie and Lynn's lives forever. They worked hard at their relationship for a couple years before they finally felt at home with each other. But eventually, with a lot of love and effort, Robbie learned how to be who he was ment to be and Lynn learned how to love all of him, even his flaws.

Soon they were ready for the next big adventure of their life together.

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