The Kidnapping

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The information was pulled together sooner than Felix had expected. Only a few days into the process he knew how to leave Neverland, he knew where Lynn was, and he knew how to bring her back. The answer was pixie dust. With just a little bit of that Felix could fly out of Neverland and fly back whenever he pleased.

He was standing at the top of a tree ready to depart when he heard a familiar sound. The scream of a boy who had done Peter wrong. This was perfect. Peter was too distracted to notice Felix leaving Neverland. He looked around at the only home he has ever known before departing. The pixie dust carried him into the sky. Before he knew it Neverland was a small island in a big ocean, nothing more. Soon enough he would be in Pittsburgh to find Lynn.


It was a normal day in the house. Lynn was getting ready for work while Rocky ran around pretending to be fighting who knows who. Everyone was busy doing something. Rocky ran up to her room to continue playing as Lynn was by the door putting on her shoes.

"Take care of Rocky today please." Lynn asked her Grandmother.

"I will just as I do everyday you work." She replied.

"Thank you." Lynn gave a quick smile before opening the door.

"Mommy...!" Rocky's voice came from upstairs.

"What is it baby? Mommy is going to be late." Lynn stopped when she didn't hear a response. "Rocky!?"

"Mom?" Rocky sounded scared. Lynn put down her belongings and rushed to the stairs to see her daughter standing at the top of the staircase.

"Rocky you scared me." Lynn sighed heavily. "Did you need something before I go?"

"One of Peter Pans lost boys is here to see you." She said.

"I'm sure he would be okay with seeing grandma instead of me today. I don't have time to play sweetie." Lynn looked towards the door flustered.

"I would listen to her if I were you." A boy with blonde hair stepped out of the shadows. He looked liked he lived in the forest and hadn't had a shower for weeks. Lynn looked at him with a small tint of fear in her eyes.

"Come here Rocky." Lynn demanded. Rocky obeyed and ran down the stairs to her mother. "Who are you?" Lynn asked.

"I'm one of Pans lost boys." He said. "Not the ones in her imagination." He gestured to Rocky. "One of the real ones."

Lynn was confused. "What do you want? Why are you here?"

"I'm going to take you tonight." He said. "In your sleep." Felix wasn't one to make a surprise attack. He wanted to make sure she was good and scared before he took her. Those are the rules he learned to play by. With that he disappeared into the shadows again.

Lynn was shook up and Rocky was crying. The rest of the day everyone was in a panic. They weren't sure what to do.

By the time night had fallen everyone was to worried to fall asleep. It took hours before every last person in the house was out. Then Felix came into Lynn's room. Rocky was sleeping with Lynn that night. Felix decided to take them both with him. He sprinkled pixie dust over them and then flew them to Neverland as they slept.

When Rocky woke Lynn up the next morning they were laying on a beach. It took Lynn a few minutes to wake up and realize that they weren't home. Once she did she just about had a heart attack. Before Lynn could yell she heard commotion coming from somewhere in the forest. She decided to take Rocky's hand and lead her towards the noise. Who ever was out there they might be able to help.

They walked for what seemed like hours even though it was barely a few minutes before Lynn covered her daughters eyes from the terrible sight in from of them. Lynn couldn't believe her eyes. It was Robbie! She felt like she could cry.


Peter was yelling at Felix for leaving Neverland. It was strictly forbidden and Felix had broken that.

"What the hell were you doing off of this island!?" Peter yelled.

"I was-" Felix tried to explain.

"I should beat you senseless for this!" Peter pulled a hand back and let it fall down to hit Felix.

Felix groaned as the pain began to sink in.

The lost boys mumbled among themselves as this was a rare sight to see Pan angry with his favorite lost boy.

"Shut up or you're all next!" Peter threatened them. They all became quieter than a mouse.

Peter was about to hit Felix again when something stopped him. It was a small voice.


He turned around slowly until his eyes met with Lynn's. He couldn't believe it. For just a moment all of his anger and hurt had vanished. He found himself falling quickly in love with Lynn all over again. Had he ever really stopped loving her?

Then he saw his daughter. She had grown up so much and he had missed all of it. His surprise turned to sadness as he thought of all that had done. The lost boys had never seen him like this.

"I'm sorry." He apologized. The boys eyes widened at those two words. Never had they ever heard him speak them.

Lynn looked at him for just a moment and wanted to tell him she forgave him. She felt the eyes of twenty boys staring at her, waiting for her to say something.  Suddenly her expression changed. She no longer looked sympathetic, instead she filled with rage.

"I hate you!!!" She yelled at him. Then she picked up Rocky and turned to run. The boys quickly caught up with her and grabbed a hold of her. Peter ordered them to throw her in a cage and they did exactly that.

Rocky and Lynn were put in a cage. Lynn had to watch him walk by frequently when he was heading to his tree house and she hated the very sight of him. The whole thing was torture.

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