Let the Games Begin

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Lynn looked around. Suddenly she was very aware of the fact that she was alone. The entire world around her seemed to grow just a little bit darker. Goosebumps started to form on her arms. She looked at the map and noticed it was taking her in a direction that was never talked about. Nobody ever seemed to go through those trees and now Lynn would be doing so alone.

She drew a deap breath and took a step towards the dark trees. Her foot landed on a twig and it snapped. The sound scared the heck out of her and she jumped at least a foot high. Once she regained herself and realised what happened she tried to laugh a little to ease up her tenseness but her heart rate was still extremely fast. Then she stepped into the blackness of the forest and started what would be a journey that she never forgot.

Within minutes the forest had somehow seemed to lighten up. And she became more at ease as time passed. After an hour or so of walking it felt like she was just going on a nice stroll. She continued to follow the map but her destination seemed to get further and further away. She grew very hungry and started tiring out. Then, after what felt like ages, she spotted food. She ran towards it and reached out to it. But once she arrived she heard a familiar voice yell at her.

"What do you think you are doing!" She looked behind her to see her father standing over her with a beer in hand. "Why are you trying to steal my food? Scram you dirtbag!" He reached around her, grabbed the plate full of food, and left. Leaving her with nothing but an empty table top. This must be the first memory. There were definitely times when she was younger when she wouldn't eat because her father decided he needed extra that night. He often stole her food.

Then everything went black around her.

'How do I get out if this?' She thought. 'He said to remember how I figured out the problem when I was younger.'

She thought for just a moment before remembering that she would steal food from the pantry when her parents weren't looking. Just as soon as she remembered her solution everything around her began to change shape. Soon she found herself in the kitchen at her old home. She realised she had to act out her answer. She quietly looked around to see if anyone was watching her before she opened the pantry door to take some food. But instead of food on the other side it was a dirt path leading into the forest. She looked at the map and sure enough, a little more had appeared.

'Ha! This is going to be easy.' She thought.

The next few memories were easy just like the first. She felt so good about the start she had. And after each memory past she felt refreshed like she had just had a nice meal. She didn't notice it but the memories were slowly starting to mess with her mind. She began thinking about everything from her past. Never had she realised how painful a bad memory can be. She continued going. She believed she was getting closer to the end.

But soon the memories started becoming really bad. Many things from her past she wished she could forget about started to make it's way into her head. Pretty soon every ounce of depression, anxiety, or weakness she had ever felt came back to her. And they began to hit all at once. Soon she started growing weak and scared. The game didn't go as Pan said it would. Every one of her bad memories started attacking her. And she couldn't continue anymore. After what must have been a couple days out in the forest alone she couldn't take it anymore. She sat down against a tree and cried.

"I'm sorry Rocky." She said out loud through tears. "I'm so sorry I couldn't get to you."

"So you give up?" She heard a familiar voice ask. She looked up to see Pan standing over her.

She didn't answer him at first. She didn't want to give up. She had to get her daughter back. But she had no clue how to beat the bad memories. She wasn't sure how to keep them from taking her mind over.

She looked up at him again, this time into his eyes. She was reminded of the first time she saw him. Back in the garden at school. She remembered how in love with him she became. She began to slowly remember the good times with him. And she missed him. She wanted him back.

"It's over." He said. "You lost. Rocky is mine."

"No wait!" She stood up. "I think I figured it out."

He looked at her curiously.

The more she thought about her favorite memories the better the bad ones seemed.

"I'll make this easier for you." He said stepping closer to her. "You see that path over there?" He pointed to a narrow path. Her eyes followed his gesture and she nodded in response. "All you have to do is make it to the end of the path. If you can get there before midnight in two hours, maybe I'll give you what you want."

"Make it to the end of the path?" She asked. "I can do that."

"You have two hours." He said. "Two hours or you leave Neverland forever and I get to keep Rocky."

Then he disappeared again.

Lynn stood up and looked around her before pulling herself together and sprinting down the trail.

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