The Last Chapter

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"I do." Lynn said as she was starring into Robbies bright eyes. She couldn't believe they actually made it here. After everything they had been through together, they were now officially promising themselves to each other forever.

Lynn couldn't be happier by the way her life had turned out. Finally they figured out who they were separately so they could figure out who they were together. And the rest of her life she will have him by her side looking out for her and loving her.

Robbie smiled at her and winked just as the service was coming to a close.

"...I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Robbie grins and pulls Lynn close to him. "I love you" he whispered.

She blushed slightly and let him kiss her gently. Inside she was jumping and yelling from excitement. Outside, she couldn't stop smiling.

The party was great. They had fun celebrating how far they had come together and what all they still had ahead. Rocky was dressed up in a beautiful dress. She was now ten and couldn't be happier to see her mother and father getting married.

Rocky smiled as her father came over to her.

"You look like you are having fun." He told her as he sat down next to her.

"Do you think mom looks pretty today?" She asked as she looked at the white, long gown her mother had on.

"I always think she looks very pretty." He said. "You do too."

"I want to look as pretty as she does someday." She smiled. "I want to be just like her!" Then she ran over to the cake table.

Robbie smiled as he watched her. Then something in the corner caught his eye. A dark hooded figure was watching Robbie. It was Felix.

Robbie smiled at him and nodded his head in thanks for all he had done for him. Felix nodded back and gave him a quick thumbs up. Robbie thought he could barely make out Felix mouthing the words "You did it."

Just as suddenly as he had appeared, Felix was gone. Robbie smiled to himself as he thought, 'I did do it'

The rest of their life was full of problems and struggles. But this time they handled it together. Robbie and Lynn became a great team. And they were so in love for the rest of their life. Truth be told.... they really did live Happily ever After.


Eleven years after the wedding, twenty one year old Rocky had fallen asleep in her apartment. She had a long day at work and fell asleep right by her window before she could even get ready for bed. She had a strange dream that she was drifting through a stream.
When she awoke, she was on a beach laying in the sand. The sun was bright and hot so the water from the sea felt good when it came up and touched her feet.

"Over here boys!" She heard someone call. "Its really her!"

She sat up and looked around. A boy in a cloak was heading towards her with a group of kids following behind.

"Rocky?" One of them asked.

"How do you know my name?" She asked them.

"Its nice to see you again Rocky." The boy in front said. "You probably don't remember me, my name is Felix and this is Neverland."


Well, I had a ton of fun writing this book and I really hope you enjoyed reading it. If you made it to the end of this book thank you so much. It means so much to me when I know someone read my entire book.
It took me almost a year to get this compleatly finished but here it finally is. I can't tell you how good it feels to have it compleate. Love you all so much!
With love, DistrictFandoms

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