The Eventful Date

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"Hey." Robbie caught up to Lynn after school had let out one afternoon. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tonight."
"Sure!" She told him happily. "Just let me go home to get ready."
"Okay but don't be to long or I might get impatient." He teased. She kissed him quickly then winked at him and left to head to her house.     
Once her short walk was complete she walked in the door to hear her parents arguing. Lynn got so sick of hearing them bicker. People say that after a while you get used to it but you never really do.

Lynn quickly passed through the hall and went up to her room. Once up there she did her best to look nice for her date but she didn't want to overdo it. So she curled her hair and then put on a simple short dress.
Lynn walked down stairs again and called to her parents letting them know she was heading out.
"I'm going to the movies with my boyfriend." She said. "I'll be back later." Lynn heard both her parents pause in the middle of their argument and question the fact that she had a boyfriend. Lynn rolled her eyes and walked out the front door. She walked back to where Robbie was waiting for her and together they walked down to the movie theater.
Once there Lynn realized that Robbie was planning to take her to a movie that kind of freaked her out. Lynn wasn't much on scary movies. She rarely ever watched them because they frightened her.
"Are you okay Lynn?" Robbie asked looking a little worried. "You seem nervous or something."
"Well... it's just..." Lynn didn't know what he would think. "Aren't these movies a little scary?"
"Not really." Robbie shrugged. "Why? Are you scared?"
"Maybe a little..." She said.
"I'll be right there besides you the whole time." He whispered into her ear. "You have nothing to be afraid of."
Lynn nodded slowly and they walked into the theater.
"You want popcorn?" Robbie asked Lynn. She nodded excitedly in response. "Okay, I'll go get it. Wait right here."
Lynn wasn't sure why he wanted her to stay behind but she didn't think to much about it. She waited right where he told her to until something caught her eye. A couple girls were touching his shoulder and laughing. Lynn didn't quite know what was going on but she knew that she didn't like it. She got a little closer to try and hear.
"Your so funny." A pretty blond girl giggled.
"And so strong." The other one with black hair said. She gently rubbed her hand up his arm.
"Back off." He told them sharply.
They looked offended at first but then continued on talking. Lynn was fuming mad. And the worst part was that Robbie wasn't really doing anything about it. But then all of a sudden something changed. The whole feel of the room seemed to get darker. More intense as well. Robbie's face had shifted and he looked at the girls with a look that seemed full of anger.
"Leave me alone." He told them. "I have a girlfriend and believe me you don't want to mess with her." This was the side of Robbie that Lynn couldn't quite explain. The side of him that most people hated. But Lynn found herself very intrigued by him when he got like this. He was very demanding and she liked it. A lot. Lynn got so lost in thought she almost didn't realize the girls run off terrified. She however, did not see one of the girls look back at her with envy and anger.

During the movie Lynn got scared out of her skin just as she predicted she would. She ended up hiding her face behind Robbie for most of the movie. He didn't seem to be paying much attention to anything but the movie which kind of made Lynn upset. She really wanted him to pay attention to her. She was just about to say something to him when she realized a smile creep onto his lips. It was almost as scary as the movie itself. He seemed to really be enjoying the movie. Maybe a little to much...

It kinda worried Lynn but she didn't say anything. Once again Lynn got terrified by part of the movie so she hid herself in Robbie's shoulder. This time he noticed and whispered soft and sweet things to Lynn to calm her down.
A little later on Lynn told Robbie she had to go to the bathroom. He nodded and she left.

The bathroom was peaceful and quiet. No one was in there and Lynn took the moment to fix her hair real quick. She heard the door open and turned around to see the person coming in. When Lynn saw who it was she was panicked. It was the girls from earlier but they were being forced into the bathroom by the guy who worked at the snack counter.
"Help us!" The blond cried.
"Somebody help!" The other one screamed.
"Hold still." The guy said.
Lynn did her best to defend herself but nothing she could do worked. She gave up hope and joined the other two yelling for help.

Meanwhile, Robbie was starting to wonder what was taking Lynn so long. He got up in the middle of the movie to go look for her. He headed down the hall to the bathroom when he heard screaming. He realized it was the two girls from earlier so he just shrugged and turned around. But then he heard a familiar voice and ran into the girls bathroom.
"Lynn!" He called.
"Help." He heard her small voice.
He looked around the bathroom frantically before seeing her in a corner.
She was on the ground crying. Her arms were scratched. In front of her stood a man with his pants around his ankles. Robbie didn't like the thought of where this was heading. Robbie attacked him and started beating him over and over again. Lynn stood up and called for security. They arrived after a long minute and took the man away. Lynn cried into Robbie as they made their way out of the theater. He comforted her and they headed to Lynn's house. Eventually she stopped crying.
"My parents aren't home." She told him as they got to her house. "The car isn't in the driveway. You can come in of you want."
Robbie picked her up and carried her up to her room. He gently laid her down and then kissed her forehead.
"Are you going to be okay?" He asked her.

She shook her head no.
"Please don't leave me Robbie." She begged him.
"Okay my love." He crawled into bed next to her. They kissed a little and then cuddled up and went to sleep.

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