Friendship Blooms

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The next day Robbie was picking up his books after class to get ready to go to lunch. His bag took so long to load because he had dropped everything on the floor. Robbie sighed with relief when he finally picked up his last book. He stood up to head to lunch when he came face to face with Collin.

Collin and Robbie used to be best friends. They had met each other when they were in preschool and were inseparable since then. That is until last year when Collin started being a jerk. For no reason that Robbie could see Collin started picking on Robbie. He stopped talking to him unless it was to make a joke. He started calling him names and making fun of the way he looked. Soon Collin found out about Robbie's dreams of Neverland and started making fun of him for that too.
Robbie used to be really popular in the school. Everybody liked him, everybody looked up to him and wanted to be just like him. But once Collin turned on him, so did the entire school. Robbie then put a lot of his trust in his girlfriend. They had been together for two years and Robbie thought that he could depend on her. But one day, on his birthday of all days, he had decided to go to her house to surprise her and take her out for the evening. She hadn't asked Robbie at all if he wanted to go out for his birthday so he figured he would ask. But when he got to her house he knew why she hadn't called. He walked in on his girlfriend, Katie, and Collin making out on her bed.
Robbie was extremely hurt. He ended his relationship with her. Then he closed himself off from everyone. He put up walls and shut everyone out. The only thing he ever allowed himself to believe in or hope in again was Neverland. But now, he was starting to let Lynn inside his walls. He wasn't entirely sure why but he could tell something was different about her.

As Robbie stared back at Collin he could tell he was up to something.

"What do you got there?" Collin asked pointing down to Robbie's bag.

"Just my backpack." Robbie muttered as he tried to get past Collin.

"It sure took you a long time to pick it all up." He said stepping in front of Robbie, blocking his way.

Robbie nodded.

"I would just hate for you to have to pick it all up again." Collin grabbed Robbie's bag from him, grinning.

"Hey! Give that back!" Robbie demanded. Robbie tried to grab the bag from Collins hands but he missed every time making himself look like a fool. The class laughed at him, angering Robbie.

"Want it?" Collin asked dangling the bag just out of reach. "Go get it!" Collin threw the bag across the room. It hit the wall and fell to the floor, spilling out all of the books that Robbie had just picked up. Robbie ran over to the bag and started to put everything in again. He blocked out Collins snickers as he picked up his belongings.

Life sucked for Robbie and he knew it. He wanted his revenge and he wanted it now. He looked next to his bag and saw a pair scissors on the floor.
I could get them with this. He thought. It would only take a few seconds. Robbie imagined how good it would feel to stab Collin with the scissors. How good it would feel to have his revenge.
Robbie tightly gripped the scissors and stood up.

"What's up Robbie? Suddenly brave?" A boy behind Collin asked.

"Well..." Robbie said getting closer to Collin. "I just wanted to ask you a question."

Robbie was just inches away from Collin now. Close enough to finish him off. He didn't care if anybody saw. He didn't care if he got caught. All he cared about was seeing Collins blood.

"What question?" Collin asked.

"Do you know what it's like to suffer? Do you know what it's like to live through torture? Do you know what it's like to be stabbed in the back?" Robbie was just about to finished what he started when he remembered something. Lynn's smile. Her laugh. Her kind and caring heart. Robbie then realized he couldn't do it. He needed to find Lynn. He couldn't get his revenge just yet. It had to wait. Right now, Lynn was his hope. Right now Lynn was what mattered to him. Not his revenge.
Robbie slowly crept back, mentally beating himself up for taking it to that extent.

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