First Night Out

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Lynn did her best not to cry at night. Each night went by slowly. Rocky was moved out of the cage. Lynn had no idea where they took her. She felt her mind slipping away. She could hardly focus anymore. She needed to get out of that cage. She was hurt, angry, and confused. No matter what she did she couldn't escape him. Everytime she thought she was making progress in getting over him something would happen to change everything up. Things were so simple back in high school. Those were much much better times. They were just a young couple who couldn't be more in love. Now she is being help captive by her ex lover.

I just want out of here. She thought to herself.

At that moment, just as she wished, a lost boy came up to her and looked at her curiously.

"Pan said to let you out." He told her as he unhooked the latch. "He also said to tell you not to misbehave." The boy then ran off and Lynn was left alone.

She slowly wandered around expecting Pan to show up at any minute. But to her relief he didn't. She couldn't find anyone or any sign of anyone. Was this some kind of test? Was she being watched at that very minute? Was she actually lost? She heard a sound coming from her right and quickly turned that way. A boy came out from behind a tree and looked at her.

"Can I help you?" She asked him cautiously. He got closer to her and she slowly backed up to avoid his touch. Then he jumped at her and shoved her against a tree. She screamed but it wasn't heard. He covered her mouth and looked at her. Then he slapped her and smiled. She squirmed to get out of his grasp but he was stronger than her. She began to cry as her limbs gave out. Escaping was hopeless.

"Get off her!" A familiar voice yelled. The boy looked up and obeyed the command. He got up and ran off without another look at Lynn. Lynn rolled her eyes when she saw who it was.

"So you think you have the right to save me, huh?" She asked him. "Why am I here Robbie?"

He looked at her a blinked. "I don't go by that anymore." He told her.

"Right, Pan" She mocked him. She stood up and looked around. "Where is my daughter?"

"Why did you stop loving me?" He asked.

Lynn looked at him in surprise. "What did you say?" She asked in shock.

He asked her again. "Why did you stop loving me?"

Lynn looked away for a moment. She couldn't decide what to say. She never stopped loving him. She had always loved him. He was the one who stopped loving her. He was the one who left her. She knew what was best to say. She drew up the courage, looked him right in the eyes and said "Because you're not someone worth loving."

Pan broke into a million pieces at her words. He didn't show it outside but inside he was devastated.

It broke Lynn too. She never stopped loving him. But the only way to move on was to make herself and everyone around her believe she didn't care.

Pan disappeared after she spoke and she was left alone in the woods again. She wandered for a few moments before hearing the sounds of boys and seeing and campfire just a couple hundred yards away. She walked towards them and saw them all having fun. Each and everyone of them had a huge smile on their face. It had been so long since she had ever seen anyone this happy. Lynn quickly looked around and didn't see Pan anywhere. She knew she was safe for now. Slowly, she allowed a smile to form on her own face. The boys saw her and motioned her over. Without even thinking she joined them around the fire. Dancing and laughing and singing. Never had she felt so carefree. Never had she felt this much joy before. The night continued on and Lynn never stopped smiling. The boys cheerfulness was so contagious and Lynn had definitely caught it. She looked up and saw the stars shining so perfectly and brilliantly. The dark trees around them gave off the wonderful sent of pine, and the fire made relaxing crackling sounds. This place couldn't be more perfect.


When Pan had left Lynn he started heading towards the fire. He wanted to be with the boys. He enjoyed being with them. He walked around in circles just thinking before he finally made his way over to the fire. But once he got there he saw Lynn dancing happily alongside
the others. He watched her for a couple minutes and slightly smiled, remembering how happy they used to be. Then he turned and went to his treehouse. He couldn't get Lynn's words out of his mind. She was right. He wasn't worth loving. He sat down and thought. And for the first time since he had arrived in Neverland, he cried.

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