A Life Changing Discovery

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A week passed and Robbie and Lynn found themselves spending more and more nights together. It was really easy considering that her parents didn't really notice. But last night she had spent the night without Robbie at her own house. Her alarm clock just went off and she was not ready to get up. With some grumbles and quiet complaints to herself she slowly made her way out of bed. She was so exhausted even though she got more sleep then usual last night. Her breasts were sore making it a pain to put a bra on. She was all out of sorts for some reason.

She walked over to her bed to try and gain energy. She looked at the clock and realized she had to be to school in ten minutes. She closed her eyes for a minute and ended up falling back to sleep.


Robbie was at school standing by his locker waiting for Lynn. He smiled at the thought of her and the times they had spent together especially this last week. She was just so perfect to him. He couldn't imagine anyone better. He realized that Lynn was not showing up at his locker so he walked over to hers. He wanted to tell her what he had planned for their next date.

At Lynn's locker he saw that she was missing. No where in sight. He pulled out his phone and called her hoping she would answer but her voice never came on the other end. Robbie started getting worried that something had happened to her. He left her multiple texts asking if she was okay but he didn't get an answer.

He went looking for Lynn. He walked around the school for a couple minutes before leaving and heading towards Lynn's house. Outside the school Robbie got stopped by one of the schools security guards and the guard tells him that he needed to stay inside the school.

"But my girlfriend isn't here and I am worried that something is wrong." Robbie said. "Please just let me go check on her."

"I'm sorry son but rules are rules. I am not allowed to let you leave." Robbie tried to do his best to get past but he couldn't put enough effort into it. He was afraid of getting Lynn in trouble. Eventually he sighed in defeat and went back to class worrying about Lynn.

Two hours after Lynn fell back asleep she woke up. She slowly turned to look at the clock and realized that she was extremely late for school. In a panic she left her house as quickly as she could to get to school. She was really late and she knew she could get in trouble for it. Her eyes wanted to close and the only thought on Lynn's mind was taking a nap after school.

On her way out Lynn saw her dad in the living room and asked if he could give her a ride to school.

"Shouldn't you be at school now?" He asked waving a beer around in his hand furiously. "Your just like your mother, irresponsible, cruel, a slut, and ugly!"

Part of Lynn wanted to cry and shrivel away. But she just walked out the front door before he could say anything else. Thankfully he wasn't as bad as he had been in the past.

Lynn picked up her pace into the fastest run she could mange which happened to be a just little faster then a jog. A few minutes into her run to school she had to slow down to a stop. Her whole body ached. She had rarely ever felt more miserable then this in her life. Then she spotted a trash can and ran to it in just enough time to hurl.

'Why am I like this?' She thought to herself. 'I hardly ever get sick. Did I catch someone's stomach bug?'

Her thoughts were interrupted by another round in the trash.

"I wish Robbie were here." She said out loud to no one.

She smiled a little at the thought of Robbie. This past week her and Robbie have had quiet a few great times and Lynn was falling more and more for him everyday.

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